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Repository files navigation

General Guidelines

The application might be slow for some people because free services are used to deploy the project. Backend is deployed on render and frontend is deployed on vercel. Also the project uses some external APIs for avatar. So keep patience and have fun.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contact
  4. Useful Links
  5. Folder Structure

About The Project

This is Chat Application website. Here you can chat with one another in real time. It has cool list of avatars that you can set to your profile and also emojis by which you can chat.

Getting Started


  1. Make sure you have Nodejs installed.
  2. MongoDB is good to have but not mandatory.
  3. git bash if you are on windows.


  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Goto public directory and type npm install
  3. In the same directory run npm start
  4. Goto server directory and type npm install
  5. In the same directory run npm start
  6. Make sure you set environment variables where ever needed.


Mohammad Arsalan - @Arsalaan | [email protected] | LinkedIn

Useful Links

API is deployed here:

Complete application is deployed here:

📁 Folder Structure

|   .gitignore
|   |   .gitignore
|   |   package-lock.json
|   |   package.json
|   |
|   |
|   +---public
|   |       favicon.ico
|   |       index.html
|   |       logo192.png
|   |       logo512.png
|   |       manifest.json
|   |       robots.txt
|   |
|   \---src
|       |   App.css
|       |   App.js
|       |   App.test.js
|       |   index.css
|       |   index.js
|       |   logo.svg
|       |   reportWebVitals.js
|       |   setupTests.js
|       |
|       +---assets
|       |       loader.gif
|       |       logo.svg
|       |       robot.gif
|       |
|       +---components
|       |       ChatContainer.jsx
|       |       ChatInput.jsx
|       |       Contacts.jsx
|       |       Logout.jsx
|       |       Messages.jsx
|       |       Welcome.jsx
|       |
|       +---pages
|       |       Chat.jsx
|       |       Login.jsx
|       |       Register.jsx
|       |       SetAvatar.jsx
|       |
|       \---utils
|               APIRoutes.js
    |   .env
    |   index.js
    |   package-lock.json
    |   package.json
    |       messagesController.js
    |       usersController.js
    |       messageModel.js
    |       userModel.js