This Angular 2 component implements the modified stroop task, which presents 24 words (8 related, 16 unrelated) to user in two colors (blue, red). The user has then to choose the current color of the given random word by pressing the key strokes (j=blue, k=red), which will be described in advance. Purpose of the component is to measure the user's reaction time for choosing the color via pressing a key.
Demo: Click here to see a demo of the task.
You need Angular CLI to run application locally and create a build for production. Angular CLI depends on NodeJS >= 4 and NPM >= 3. Simply download and install NodeJS if you haven't got it already. You can verify it by typing the following commands into your terminal:
node -v
npm -v
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
After you have built the application you can refer to the contained index.html
of dist/
folder for an example of how to include the assets. The component itself can be simply included by:
<stroop-task config='{ "configKey": "configValue" }'>
Loading task...
Please note that you must provide a valid JSON-String if you want to configure the component. The following settings are possible showing also the defaults:
"rounds": 2,
"countDown": 10,
"randomMean": 1000,
"randomStdDev": 250,
"hiddenInputName": "results",
"finishHTML": "<strong>Finished!</strong>",
"colors": [
{ "value": "BLUE", "keyCode": 74 },
{ "value": "RED", "keyCode": 75 }
"words": [
{ "value": "Google", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "Yahoo", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "screen", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "browser", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "modem", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "keys", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "internet", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "computer", "type": "RELATED" },
{ "value": "Target", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "Nike", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "Coca Cola", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "Yoplait", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "table", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "telephone", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "book", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "hammer", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "nails", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "chair", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "piano", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "pencil", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "paper", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "eraser", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "laser", "type": "UNRELATED" },
{ "value": "television", "type": "UNRELATED" }