Hi there! 👋 Welcome to my GitHub repository dedicated to my journey through the Ethical Hacking Journey. Here, you'll find notes, scripts, and projects that I'm working on as I learn the fundamentals of ethical hacking, cybersecurity, and penetration testing.
This repository serves as a collection of my learning resources, project files, and code snippets. It includes various topics , such as:
- Network security basics
- Vulnerability assessment
- Exploitation techniques
- Web application security
- Password cracking and encryption
- Much more as I progress through the course!
Throughout this journey, I'm using a variety of tools commonly used in the field of cybersecurity, including:
- Kali Linux - a distribution designed for penetration testing
- Wireshark - for network packet analysis
- Nmap - for network discovery and security auditing
- Metasploit Framework - for developing and executing exploit code
I'm committed to mastering ethical hacking techniques responsibly and professionally. This repository is regularly updated with my latest projects, notes, and insights as I progress through the course. Feel free to check back often and see what I’m learning!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out or follow me on GitHub.
Happy coding and hacking responsibly! 🖥️🔒