There are two components to the Tracksaver application. The web server, written in Golang, has a basic auth page and a web API for adding songs to the signed-in user's Spotify library. Since the web server listens on, it is safe to run it as a single user system.
The second component, is an Applescript which can be bound to a global key shortcut using applications such as Quicksilver, etc. The Applescript takes advantage of Spotify's Applescript API to send the track ID of the currently playing song to the web server, effectively creating a global shortcut for saving the currently playing song. Obviously the Applescript is specific to Mac OS X, and Windows/Linux users will need to find another way to get the track ID, and make the API call to the local server.
For the Spotify API to function, one must register the web app on Spotify's developer tools, and fill in your client ID and client secret in main.go.
Sometimes the API key will not be renewed properly (the renewal token expires) and the user must sign in again. If it's not working, try signing in again at<track id array>