Register on using your email and password and then create new application
You should create one application per service, regardless of the platform. For example, an app released in both Android and iOS would require only one application to be created in the Dashboard.
All users within the same Qiscus application are able to communicate with each other, across all platforms. This means users using iOS, Android, web clients, etc. can all chat with one another. However, users in different Qiscus applications cannot talk to each other.
Done! Now you can use the APP_ID into your apps and get chat functionality by implementing Qiscus into your app.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.1.0+ is required.
Podfile :
target 'Sample' do
pod 'Qiscus'
Install Qiscus through CocoaPods
$ pod install
To initiate Qiscus SDK, you need to import Qiscus and then add this in your code everywhere you want
Swift 3.0:
import Qiscus
Qiscus.setup( withAppId: YOUR_APP_ID,
delegate: self
Using the SDK in Objective-C
import Qiscus
[Qiscus setupWithAppId:<YOUR_APP_ID>
Example on AppDelegate.swift
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
let viewController = ViewController()
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)
Qiscus.setup( withAppId: "DragonGo",
userEmail: "abcde@qiscus.coom",
userKey: "abcd1234",
username: "Steve Kusuma",
avatarURL: "",
delegate: nil
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
window?.rootViewController = navigationController
return true
Updating user profile and details is simply by re-init the user using new details :
Qiscus.setup( withAppId: "DragonGo",
userEmail: "abcde@qiscus.coom",
userKey: "abcd1234",
username: "Steve Kusuma New Name",
avatarURL: "",
delegate: nil
Start chat with target is very easy, all you need is just call
Swift 3.0 :
let email = targetField.text!
let view = Qiscus.chatView(withUsers: [email])
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true)
in your code
For example in your ViewController :
Swift 3.0:
import UIKit
import Qiscus
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y:100, width:100, height:30))
button.backgroundColor =
button.setTitle("Start Chat", for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.startChat), for: .touchUpInside)
func startChat(){
let email = targetField.text!
let view = Qiscus.chatView(withUsers: [email])
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true)
Qiscus also support group chat. To create new group chat, all you need is just call
Swift 3.0:
Qiscus.createChat(withUsers users:["TARGET_EMAIL_1, TARGET_EMAIL_2"], target:self)
For example in your ViewController :
Swift 3.0
import UIKit
import Qiscus
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func goToChat(){
let chatTargets = [","]
Qiscus.createChat(withUsers:chatTargets, target:self)
for accesing room that created by this call, you need to call it with its roomId. This methode is always creating new chat room.
When you already know your chat room id, you can easily go to that room. Just call
Swift 3.0:
Qiscus.chatView(withRoomId: roomId)
For example in your ViewController :
Swift 3.0
import UIKit
import Qiscus
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func goToChat(){
let roomId = Int(targetField.text!)
let view = Qiscus.chatView(withRoomId: roomId)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true)
When you already know your chat room id, you can easily go to that room. Just call
Swift 3.0:
Qiscus.chatView(withRoomUniqueId: uniqueId)
For example in your ViewController :
Swift 3.0
import UIKit
import Qiscus
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func goToChat(){
let roomId = Int(targetField.text!)
let view = iscus.chatView(withRoomUniqueId: uniqueId)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true)
Currently we recommend to invite user into existing room through our REST API for simplicity and security reason
Currently we recommend to kick user out of specific room through our REST API for simplicity and security reason
class MainView: UIViewController, QiscusConfigDelegate {
// MARK: - QiscusConfigDelegate
func qiscusFailToConnect(_ withMessage:String){
func qiscusConnected(){
class SampleAppRealtime: QiscusRoomDelegate {
// MARK: - Member of QiscusRoomDelegate
internal func gotNewComment(_ comments: QiscusComment) {
print("getting new messages")
internal func didFinishLoadRoom(onRoom room: QiscusRoom) {
print("did finish load roomId: \(localRoom.roomId), roomName: \(localRoom.roomName)")
internal func didFailLoadRoom(withError error: String) {
print("did fail load room error: \(error)")
func didFinishUpdateRoom(onRoom room: QiscusRoom) {
print("did finish update room roomId: \(localRoom.roomId), roomName: \(localRoom.roomName)")
func didFailUpdateRoom(withError error:String) {
print("did fail update room: \(error)")
Lots of our items inside Chat Room can be modified based on our needs, here is the example of the customisation that can be done easily
let qiscusColor =
qiscusColor.welcomeIconColor = colorConfig.chatWelcomeIconColor
qiscusColor.leftBaloonColor = colorConfig.chatLeftBaloonColor
qiscusColor.leftBaloonTextColor = colorConfig.chatLeftTextColor
qiscusColor.leftBaloonLinkColor = colorConfig.chatLeftBaloonLinkColor
qiscusColor.rightBaloonColor = colorConfig.chatRightBaloonColor
qiscusColor.rightBaloonTextColor = colorConfig.chatRightTextColor
Qiscus.setNavigationColor(colorConfig.baseNavigateColor, tintColor: colorConfig.baseNavigateTextColor)
let fontSize: CGFloat = CGFloat(17).flexibleIphoneFont() = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
If you want full customisations, you can modify everything on the view by forking our repository or just right away modifying our QiscusUIConfiguration.swift and QiscusTextConfiguration.swift** **based on your needs.
Currently we recommend to use our Webhook-API to push notification from your own server to client app for simplicity and flexibility handling
Don't forget to add usage description for camera, photo library and microphone to your **info.plist **to use our attachment functionality in chat SDK