Welcome to the Tejidos de Carito GitHub repository! This project showcases a single-page online shop for handmade textiles and crafts. The site is designed under the "mobile-first" approach, ensuring seamless usability across various devices. The project is built using HTML, SCSS, CSS, and Bootstrap, following the BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming convention for a clean and maintainable codebase.
Check out the live site: Tejidos de Carito
- Bootstrap
Responsive Design: The site is optimized for a variety of screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience on mobile devices, tablets, and desktops.
Mobile-First: The design and development process prioritized mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience on smaller screens before scaling up to larger ones.
BEM Naming: The project follows the BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming convention for CSS classes, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
To get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
bashCopy code
git clone https://github.com/ariaspabloi/tejidosdecarito.git
Navigate to the project directory:
bashCopy code
cd tejidosdecarito
Open the
file in your preferred web browser to see the website in action.