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Terraform module used to format and forward on notifications to slack and or teams


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Terraform AWS Notify


The purpose of this module is to provide a building block for processing and delivering notifications, sourced from SNS and forwarded to one or more endpoints (email, slack, teams and or custom subscribers).


module "notifications" {
  source = "../.."

  # creates the SNS topic of the given name, and allows CloudWatch service to post to topic
  allowed_aws_services = [
  create_sns_topic = false
  sns_topic_name   = "lza-cloudaccess-notifications"

  # consistent tags applied across all resources
  tags = {
    Environment = "Test"
    Owner       = "DevOps"

  slack = {
    # slack webhook URL
    webhook_url = ""

  # list of email address that will be subscribed
  email = {
    addresses = []

Update Documentation

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .


Frequently (quartley at least) check and upgrade:

  1. Python runtime - python_runtime
  2. AWS PowerTools Lambda Layer for python ARN: powertools_layer_arn_suffix


  • notify-teams - distributed under Apache 2.0 license; obligations met under this GNU V3 license
  • terraform-aws-notify-slack - distributed under Apache 2.0 license; obligations met under this GNU V3 license


Name Version
aws >= 5.0.0


Name Description Type Default Required
sns_topic_name The name of the source sns topic where events are published string n/a yes
allowed_aws_principals Optional, list of AWS accounts able to publish via the SNS topic (when creating topic) e.g 123456789012 list(string) [] no
allowed_aws_services Optional, list of AWS services able to publish via the SNS topic (when creating topic) e.g list(string) [] no
cloudwatch_log_group_class The class of the CloudWatch log group string "STANDARD" no
cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_id The KMS key id to use for encrypting the cloudwatch log group (default is none) string null no
cloudwatch_log_group_retention The retention period for the cloudwatch log group (for lambda function logs) in days number 14 no
create_sns_topic Whether to create an SNS topic for notifications bool false no
email The configuration for Email notifications
addresses = optional(list(string))
# The email addresses to send notifications to
null no
ephemeral_storage_size Amount of ephemeral storage (/tmp) in MB your Lambda Function can use at runtime number 512 no
function_name Name of the Lambda function string "lz-notifications" no
lambda_log_level The log level for the Lambda function string "INFO" no
lambda_role_description Description of the IAM role for the Lambda function string "IAM role for Lambda function" no
lambda_role_name Name of the IAM role for the Lambda function string null no
lambda_role_permissions_boundary ARN of the permissions boundary to be used on the Lambda IAM role string null no
lambda_runtime The runtime to use for the Lambda function string "python3.12" no
memory_size Amount of memory in MB your Lambda Function can use at runtime number 128 no
notification_platform Platform to send notifications to (slack or teams) string "slack" no
slack The configuration for Slack notifications
lambda_name = optional(string, "slack-notify")
# The name of the lambda function to create
lambda_description = optional(string, "Lambda function to send slack notifications")
# An optional secret name in secrets manager to use for the slack configuration
webhook_url = optional(string)
null no
sns_topic_policy The policy to attach to the sns topic, else we default to account root string null no
subscribers Optional list of custom subscribers to the SNS topic
protocol = string
# The protocol to use. The possible values for this are: sqs, sms, lambda, application. (http or https are partially supported, see below).
endpoint = string
# The endpoint to send data to, the contents will vary with the protocol. (see below for more information)
endpoint_auto_confirms = bool
# Boolean indicating whether the end point is capable of auto confirming subscription e.g., PagerDuty (default is false)
raw_message_delivery = bool
# Boolean indicating whether or not to enable raw message delivery (the original message is directly passed, not wrapped in JSON with the original message in the message property) (default is false)
{} no
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) {} no
teams The configuration for teams notifications
lambda_name = optional(string, "teams-notify")
# The name of the lambda function to create
lambda_description = optional(string, "Lambda function to send teams notifications")
# An optional secret name in secrets manager to use for the slack configuration
webhook_url = optional(string)
null no
timeout The amount of time your Lambda Function has to run in seconds number 30 no


Name Description
lambda_function_arn The ARN of the Lambda function
lambda_function_invoke_arn The invoke ARN of the Lambda function
lambda_function_name The name of the Lambda function
lambda_function_role_arn The ARN of the IAM role created for the Lambda function
sns_topic_arn The ARN of the SNS topic


Terraform module used to format and forward on notifications to slack and or teams



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