The official SurrealDB library for Python.
First install SurrealDB if you haven't already.
pip install surrealdb
Alternatively, you can use install it using Poetry
from surrealdb import Surreal
async def main():
"""Example of how to use the SurrealDB client."""
async with Surreal("ws://localhost:8000/rpc") as db:
await db.signin({"user": "root", "pass": "root"})
await db.use("test", "test")
await db.create(
"user": "me",
"pass": "safe",
"marketing": True,
"tags": ["python", "documentation"],
print(await db.update("person", {
"marketing": False,
"tags": ["Awesome"]
print(await db.delete("person"))
# You can also use the query method
# doing all of the above and more in SurrealQl
# In SurrealQL you can do a direct insert
# and the table will be created if it doesn't exist
await db.query("""
insert into person {
user: 'me',
pass: 'very_safe',
tags: ['python', 'documentation']
print(await db.query("select * from person"))
print(await db.query("""
update person content {
user: 'you',
pass: 'more_safe',
tags: ['awesome']
print(await db.query("delete person"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio