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Enhance XML Loader to tolerate whitespace
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ConstructingParser was intolerant of files that didn't
start with "<".

Modified to allow whitespace, processing instructions, and comments
to precede the document element.

Tests are


Further enhanced to handle PI that starts with <?xml-model ...?>

This occurs in test infoset data for the iCalendar DFDL schema.
Xerces was tolerating this before, so our constructing loader
should also.

  • Loading branch information
mbeckerle committed Jun 1, 2021
1 parent 0dcdae9 commit 6823c91
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ object Position {
* properly, creating PCData nodes for the contents of these, and not otherwise
* messing with the contents.
* This code is effectively our fork of the Scala ConstructingParser. This
* works around some bugs in it.
* Xerces, unfortunately, messes with the contents of these CDATA regions,
* normalizes whitespace inside them, and generally makes it impossible to do things
* in XML that depend on line-structure of element content to being preserved.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,10 +291,149 @@ class DaffodilConstructingLoader private[xml] (uri: URI,
text(pos, s)

* Same CRLF/CR => LF processing as text gets.
override def comment(pos: Int, s: String): Comment = {
Comment(text(pos, s).text)

* Same CRLF/CR => LF processing as text gets.
override def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String) =
ProcInstr(target, text(pos, txt).text)

private def parseXMLPrologAttributes(m: MetaData): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = {

var info_ver: Option[String] = None
var info_enc: Option[String] = None
var info_stdl: Option[Boolean] = None

var n = 0
m("version") match {
case null =>
case Text("1.0") =>
info_ver = Some("1.0"); n += 1
case _ => reportSyntaxError("cannot deal with versions != 1.0")

m("encoding") match {
case null =>
case Text(enc) =>
if (!isValidIANAEncoding(enc))
reportSyntaxError("\"" + enc + "\" is not a valid encoding")
else {
info_enc = Some(enc)
n += 1

m("standalone") match {
case null =>
case Text("yes") =>
info_stdl = Some(true); n += 1
case Text("no") =>
info_stdl = Some(false); n += 1
case _ => reportSyntaxError("either 'yes' or 'no' expected")

if (m.length - n != 0) {
"only 'version', 'encoding', and 'standalone' attributes are expected in xml prolog. Found: " + m)

(info_ver, info_enc, info_stdl)

* Override of document to make it tolerant of the start of the file
* being whitespace instead of a "<" character
* This does not handle DOCTYPEs (aka DTDs) at all. Hence, is not
* a true replacement (bug fix) on the original ConstructingParser method
* that it overrides.
override def document(): Document = {
doc = new Document()
this.dtd = null
var children: NodeSeq = null

if ('<' == ch) {
if ('?' == ch) {
// It's probably an XML prolog, but
// there are cases where there is no XML Prolog, but a starting
// PI of <?xml-model href="...."?>
// So we have to recognize as a general PI, then look and see if
// it is a prolog.
val name = xName
val (md, scp) = xAttributes(TopScope)
if (scp != TopScope)
reportSyntaxError("no xmlns definitions allowed.")
if (name == "xml") {
val info_prolog = parseXMLPrologAttributes(md)
doc.version = info_prolog._1
doc.encoding = info_prolog._2
doc.standAlone = info_prolog._3
} else {
// not an xml prolog. It's some other PI
// do nothing. We're just skipping those PIs
children = content(TopScope)
} else {
val ts = new NodeBuffer()
content1(TopScope, ts) // the 1 suffix means "without the first < character"
ts &+ content(TopScope)
children = NodeSeq.fromSeq(ts)
} else {
children = content(TopScope)

var isErr = false
var elemCount = 0
var theNode: Node = null
children.foreach { c =>
c match {
case _: ProcInstr => // skip
case _: Comment => // skip
// $COVERAGE-OFF$ // constructing parser never creates these - probably due to a bug
case _: EntityRef => {
reportSyntaxError("no entity references allowed here")
isErr = true
case s: SpecialNode => {
val txt = s.toString.trim()
if (txt.length > 0) {
reportSyntaxError("non-empty text nodes not allowed: '" + txt + "'.")
isErr = true
case m: Elem =>
elemCount += 1
theNode = m
if (1 != elemCount) {
reportSyntaxError("document must contain exactly one element")
isErr = true

if (!isErr) {
doc.children = children
doc.docElem = theNode
} else {

def load(): Node = {
val res =
try {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,76 @@ import org.apache.daffodil.api.StringSchemaSource
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.DaffodilXMLLoader
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.xml.SAXParseException

class TestXMLLoader {

def test_schemaLoad(): Unit = {
val data =
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
| <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
| <xs:annotation>
| <xs:appinfo source="">
| <dfdl:format lengthKind="delimited" ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
| </xs:appinfo>
| </xs:annotation>
| <xs:element name="e1">
| <xs:complexType>
| <xs:sequence>
| <xs:element name="s1" type="xs:int"/>
| </xs:sequence>
| </xs:complexType>
| </xs:element>
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
val ss = StringSchemaSource(data)
val root =
loader.load(ss, None, false)
assertEquals("", (root \ "@targetNamespace").text)

def test_startsWithPINotProlog(): Unit = {
val data =
"""<?xml-model href="../Schematron/iCalendar.sch" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
| <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
| <xs:annotation>
| <xs:appinfo source="">
| <dfdl:format lengthKind="delimited" ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
| </xs:appinfo>
| </xs:annotation>
| <xs:element name="e1">
| <xs:complexType>
| <xs:sequence>
| <xs:element name="s1" type="xs:int"/>
| </xs:sequence>
| </xs:complexType>
| </xs:element>
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
val ss = StringSchemaSource(data)
val root =
loader.load(ss, None, false)
assertEquals("", (root \ "@targetNamespace").text)

* Characterize behavior of scala's xml loader w.r.t. CDATA preservation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +149,7 @@ b&"<>]]>"""))
loader.load(ss, None, false, true)
val m = e.getMessage()
assertTrue(m.contains("DOCTYPE is disallowed"))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,4 +203,66 @@ b&"<>]]>"""))


@Test def testLoaderToleratesXMLWithLeadingWhitespace(): Unit = {
val xmlTextWithLeadingWhitespace = " \n" + "<data>foo</data>\n"
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
val ss = StringSchemaSource(xmlTextWithLeadingWhitespace)
val xml = loader.load(ss, None, addPositionAttributes = false)
assertEquals("foo", xml.text)

@Test def testLoaderToleratesXMLWithLeadingComments(): Unit = {
val xmlText = " \n" +
" <!-- a comment --> \n <data>foo</data>\n"
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
val ss = StringSchemaSource(xmlText)
val xml = loader.load(ss, None, addPositionAttributes = false)
assertEquals("foo", xml.text)

@Test def testLoaderToleratesXMLWithPI(): Unit = {
val xmlText = " \n" +
"<?aProcInstr yadda yadda ?>\n" +
" <!-- a comment --> \n <data>foo</data>\n"
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
val ss = StringSchemaSource(xmlText)
val xml = loader.load(ss, None, addPositionAttributes = false)
assertEquals("foo", xml.text)

@Test def testLoaderCatchesVarousBadXML(): Unit = {
val xmlText = " \n" + // no prolog some whitespace (tolerated)
"&AnEntityRef;\n" + // entity refs not allowed
"random text\n" + // just text not allowed
"<data>foo</data>\n" +
"<!-- comment afterwards --><another>element</another>\n&AnotherEntityRef;\nmore random text\n" // other bad stuff.
val teh = new TestErrorHandler()
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader(teh)
val ss = StringSchemaSource(xmlText)
val xml = loader.load(ss, None, addPositionAttributes = false)
val msgs ={ _.getMessage() }.mkString("\n")
assertTrue(msgs.contains("non-empty text nodes not allowed"))
assertTrue(msgs.contains("random text"))
assertTrue(msgs.contains("more random text"))
assertTrue(msgs.contains("exactly one element"))

class TestErrorHandler extends org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler {

val exceptions = new ArrayBuffer[SAXParseException]

def warning(exception: SAXParseException) = {
exceptions += exception

def error(exception: SAXParseException) = {
exceptions += exception

def fatalError(exception: SAXParseException) = {
exceptions += exception

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