Library to run tasks(or jobs if you prefer)
- Task - endpoint starting business logic, similar to controller
- Request - task input
- Schedule - strategy of scheduling requested tasks (Instance/Distributed)
The simplest case:
// create task class
class ScheduleCalculations : Task<ScheduleCalculations.Request> {
override fun execute(request: Request) {/* some code here*/}
class Request : HashCodeIdempotent() // or implement TaskRequest to support own request idempotency key
// select task executing request
val tasksRegistry = TasksRegistry(mapOf(ScheduleCalculations.Request::class to ScheduleCalculations()))
// select schedule. Instance or Distributed
val tasksSchedule = InstanceSchedule(tasksRegistry = tasksRegistry)
// run at once task execution with request using api // also runAt() and runAfter() available
// Optional: to change idempotency key when expecting scheduling multiple tasks same time
// implement TaskRequest interface instead extending HashCodeIdempotent
class Request(val id: UUID) : TaskRequest {
fun getIdempotencyKey(): String = id.toString()
- platform to sync components version
when multiple required. docs - api(ru.antonmarin.delayed-tasks:api): to schedule programmatically
- periodic(ru.antonmarin.delayed-tasks:periodic): to run tasks periodically
- control-plane(ru.antonmarin.delayed-tasks:control-plane): to observe registered tasks
- spring(ru.antonmarin.delayed-tasks:spring): to integrate with spring
- test(ru.antonmarin.delayed-tasks:test): utilities to test integration with library
- annotations: supports configuration using annotations
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
class TasksConfiguration {
fun config(registry: TasksRegistry) {
val scheduleCalculations = ScheduleCalculations()
registry.add(scheduleCalculations, TaskConfig(
maxRetriesCount = 10,
delayOnFailStrategy = fixedDelay,
val fixedDelay = Fixed(Duration.parse("PT1M"))
val linearIncreasingDelay = Linear(Duration.parse("PT1M"))
val fibonacciIncreasingSeconds = Fibonacci(ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
// at exact time
// after some duration
tasksSchedule.schedule(request, Delay.duration(Duration.ofHours(1)))
// right now
Configure distributive locks
val lockProvider = MemoryLockProvider()
TasksSchedule(storage, metrics, tracing, lockProvider)
// with cron syntax
maxRetriesCount = 10,
delayOnFailStrategy = fixedDelay,
Cron("* * * * *")
// with duration
maxRetriesCount = 10,
delayOnFailStrategy = fixedDelay,
Period counts from previous start
taskSchedule.cancel(Request::class, "taskKey")
- forthcoming tasks
- registered tasks
- ability to execute task manually
class FileConfiguration (
val enabled: Boolean, // enables delayed tasks mechanism
class TasksSchedule(
config: TasksConfiguration,
val storage: TasksStorage, // selects storage for tasks
val lockProvider: LockProvider, // selects distributive locks provider
val tracing: Tracer, // selects tracing lib opentracing supported
val metrics: MetricsProvider, // selects metrics lib opentracing supported
//todo decide class or values here
- количество потоков выполнения? (чтобы масштабировать когда планируется много задач)
class ScheduleCalculations : Task<Request> {
fun execute(request: Request) {}
@ScheduledTask(Cron("* * * * *"))
class ScheduleCalculations : Task<Request> {
fun execute(request: Request) {}
class ScheduleCalculations : Task<Request> {
fun execute(request: Request) {}
- postgresql PostgreSQLStorage
- memory MemoryStorage
- successful finish count
- failed finish count
- mean tasks execution duration
- завершенные за retentionTime/retentionCount с результатом завершения (и ошибкой?)
OpenTelemetry used. Visit Getting started to start collecting
Configure tasks storage
- MemoryStorage
- PostgreSQLStorage (sql to create table included)
or implement new with TasksStorage
- DataSource as TasksStorage
- Autoconfiguration and configuration using file
tasks: enabled: true
### Suspendable tasks
class ScheduleCalculations : SuspendableTask<Request> {
suspend fun execute(request: Request) {}
Notes: Uses internally java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask