The O(3P) + HBr --> OH + Br MRCI+Q/CBS(aug-cc-pVnZ(-PP); n = Q,5)+SO 3A" potential surface of A. G. S. de Oliveira-Filho, F. R. Ornellas and K. A. Peterson
The Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space method of Ho and Rabitz is used to interpolate the surface consisting of 1110 geometries spanning O-H-Br angles of 60-180 deg. This surface does not contain the H + BrO arrangement and no claims of accuracy are made for O-H-Br angles smaller than 60 deg.
r1 = R(O-H)
r2 = R(H-Br)
r3 = R(Br-O).
value = Energy, relative to the asymptotic reactants
valley (O + HBr(r_e)), in hartree
dr1 = Derivative of the potential with respect to r1 (R(O-H))
in hartree/bohr
dr2 = Derivative of the potential with respect to r2 (R(H-Br))
in hartree/bohr
dr3 = Derivative of the potential with respect to r3 (R(O-Br))
in hartree/bohr
Before any actual potential energy calculations are made, a single
call to myprepot must be made:
`call myprepot`
Later, the potential energy is computed by calling mypot:
`call mypot(r1,r2,r3,value,dr1,dr2,dr3)`
The parameters are read from the o_hbr_a_pp.par
- A. G. S. de Oliveira-Filho, F. R. Ornellas, K. A. Peterson, Accurate ab initio potential energy surfaces for the 3A’’ and 3A’ electronic states of the O(3P)+HBr system. J. Chem. Phys. 136, 174316 (2012). (
- A. G. S. de Oliveira-Filho, F. R. Ornellas, K. A. Peterson, S. L. Mielke, Thermal rate constants for the O(3P) + HBr and O(3P) + DBr reactions: transition-state theory and quantum mechanical calculations. J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 12703–12710 (2013). (
r1 r2 r3
2.6289099999999999 2.8486750000000001 5.1064215904894388
dr1 dr2 dr3
1.5320730578638475E-007 1.5109533511581397E-006 -1.5577335148869720E-007
r1 r2 r3
4.3746320000000001 2.6855400000000000 7.0601719999996142
dr1 dr2 dr3
1.4650519388234480E-003 1.4648796113941348E-003 -1.4650322069311608E-00
r1 r2 r3
1.8372599999999999 4.8222319999999996 4.4678939513580840
dr1 dr2 dr3
6.5041529057150577E-007 -4.8876198921465885E-010 6.6615884752874166E-009