Releases: ansforge/IG-fhir-service-acces-aux-soins
Releases · ansforge/IG-fhir-service-acces-aux-soins
What's Changed
- Update fhir-release.yml by @nriss in #71
- Update fhir-release.yml by @M-Priour in #73
- Add Slot Search param by @breverseau in #76
- Update example-bundlecpts.fsh by @breverseau in #78
- Feature/add capability statement by @breverseau in #83
- Feature/add sos narrative content by @breverseau in #82
- Organize folders by @breverseau in #84
- Feature/fix trer66 by @breverseau in #85
- Feature/test no narrative by @breverseau in #87
- placement motif dans cc dédié by @breverseau in #88
- Update ig template by @nriss in #91
- Feature/add narrative comptes regulateur by @breverseau in #90
- Ajout narratif gestion des comptes régulateurs by @breverseau in #92
- Update profiles descriptions by @breverseau in #93
- Validation release 1.1.0 by @breverseau in #94
- Update publication-request.json by @breverseau in #95
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
What's Changed
- Delete package-list.json by @breverseau in #39
- ChangesAfterPublication by @breverseau in #40
- 41 ajouter la modélisation des ressources by @breverseau in #42
- Fix parapgraph index for environments by @cpanissod in #43
- Refacto use cases management by @cpanissod in #44
- Fix link to interop ig by @cpanissod in #45
- Add link to blank page by @cpanissod in #46
- Add plantuml diagrams for requests by @cpanissod in #48
- Typo fix by @cpanissod in #49
- Feature/51 supprimer les exemples de longlet ressources par cas dusage by @breverseau in #52
- Br addexamples p sindiv by @breverseau in #50
- Remove PS manual example by @cpanissod in #55
- Feature/55 ajout schema uml general by @breverseau in #57
- Feature/54 exemple ressource appointment by @breverseau in #58
- Ajout schéma cas d'usage et notes by @breverseau in #61
- Remove static example body for appointment creation request by @cpanissod in #63
- Feature/add instance cancelled appointment by @breverseau in #65
- Replace cancelled appointment example by conformity resource example by @cpanissod in #66
- Feature/ajout exemples slots cpts by @breverseau in #60
- Bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.5 by @dependabot in #64
- Feature/ajout ressource practitioner by @breverseau in #67
- Feature/change dependency to mos1.3.0 by @breverseau in #68
- Feature/remove examples from ressourcescasusages by @breverseau in #69
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #64
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-ballot...1.1.0-tria-use
What's Changed
- init repo by @nriss in #1
- Add warning to inform that IG is work in progress by @cpanissod in #2
- Add input fsh files obtained from structure definition and gofsh by @cpanissod in #3
- Remove inherited definitions for FrAppointmentSAS by @cpanissod in #4
- Add input fsh files obtained from structure definition and gofsh by @cpanissod in #5
- Add FrPractitionerRoleExerciceAgregateur definition by @cpanissod in #6
- feature/ig content improvements by @cpanissod in #8
- Update IPs for new whitelist after migration by @cpanissod in #9
- Fix title level in md by @cpanissod in #10
- Homepage update by @cpanissod in #11
- Replace sample url by sas url by @cpanissod in #21
- feature/improve fsh profiles by @cpanissod in #23
- Add jurisdiction in sushi-config.yaml by @nriss in #24
- Mise à jour pour publication by @nriss in #25
- Feature/sos medecins by @breverseau in #26
- Correct logo by @nriss in #28
- Feature/cpts by @breverseau in #27
- Cpts patch by @breverseau in #33
- Feature/prepare ig narratives by @cpanissod in #34
- Update by @breverseau in #36
- Add fhir release workflow by @nriss in #38
- preparePublication by @breverseau in #37
New Contributors
- @nriss made their first contribution in #1
- @cpanissod made their first contribution in #2
- @breverseau made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: