A drop in replacement for the Rails data-confirm dialog using Tailwind CSS. Exposes some additional options.
Your app must be using Tailwind CSS.
The title for the modal. Required.
Secondary text for the modal. "This action cannot be undone" by default. Optional.
The 'confirm' button text. "Confirm" by default. Optional.
The 'cancel' button text. "Cancel" by default. Optional.
The tailwind color to base the modal off of. You may have to safelist the background and text color with purgecss.
Import rails-tailwindcss-confirm-modal.js
to your rails app.
<%= link_to "Model", @model, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this model?", body: "This action cannot be undone.", commit: "Delete", cancel: "Cancel", color: "red"} %>