My personal neovim configuration based in LazyVim and in @craftdog configuration
- Install fonts:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-plemol-jp
brew install font-plemol-jp-nf
brew install font-plemol-jp-hs
- Configure undercurl:
Follow the instructions on this link
- Ensure you have neovim updated:
At least version 0.9.0 is required.
- Configure iterm2
You need to configure in
profiles -> text
PlemolJP Console in font and PlemolJP Console NF in non-ASCII font. -
You need to configure in
profiles -> window
the transparency and blur of the window. (On the personal computer is set to 18 and 8 respectively).
- Install optional tools:
brew install ripgrep fd
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:annacruz/nvim.git .config/nvim/
- Initialize neovim and enjoy =)
If you're facing nvim-treesitter problem on parses execute the following:
:TSUpdate <parses_separated_with_spaces>