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Preparing to create a WPKG report

Andrey Klimov edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Preparing to create a WPKG report

Create package

  • Create a XML package file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <packages:packages xmlns:packages="" xmlns:wpkg="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <package id="zzWPKG-REPORT" name="WPKG Report" revision="2018.12.05" priority="0" reboot="false" execute="changed">
        <!-- Notes: Create WPKG Report -->
        <variable name="Revision" value="2018.12.05"/>
        <variable name="RevI1" value="2018"/>
        <variable name="RevI2" value="12"/>
        <variable name="RevI3" value="05"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramFiles%\Wpkg" architecture="x86"/>
        <variable name="ProgramDir" value="%ProgramW6432%\Wpkg" architecture="x64"/>
        <variable name="ReportPathLocal" value="%TEMP%\wpkg-report.log"/>
        <variable name="ReportPathNet" value="\\\system\wpkg\base\reports\%COMPUTERNAME%.log"/>
        <variable name="WpkgScript" value="wpkg.js"/>
          <command type="install" include="cleanup"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="%ComSpec% /C cscript.exe &quot;%ProgramDir%\%WpkgScript%&quot; //NoLogo /query:iml /queryMode:local /quiet:false &gt; %ReportPathLocal%" timeout="60">
              <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%ProgramDir%\%WpkgScript%"/>
          <command type="install" cmd="%ComSpec% /C copy /Y &quot;%ReportPathLocal%&quot; &quot;%ReportPathNet%&quot;" timeout="30">
              <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%ReportPathLocal%"/>
          <command type="cleanup" cmd="%ComSpec% /C del /F /Q &quot;%ReportPathLocal%&quot;" timeout="30">
              <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%ReportPathLocal%"/>
  • Update package revision;

  • Update the variables Revision, RevI1, RevI2 and RevI3.

Create profile

  • Create a XML profile file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <profiles:profiles xmlns:profiles="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <profile id="WPKG_Common">
        <!-- Notes: WPKG common profile. -->
        <package package-id="zzWPKG-REPORT"/>

Create host

  • Create a XML host file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <hosts:wpkg xmlns:hosts="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <host name=".+" profile-id="WPKG_Common">
        <!-- Notes: WPKG common host. -->

Upload created XML files

  • Open WPKG Express 2 in web browser and navigate to menu Application settings -> Uploading XML;
  • Upload created XML file or simply navigate to menu Application settings -> Creating XML, paste this XML into the editor and click the Create button.