A simple application to take in a URL from various music streaming services & show the same track (when available) from other streaming services. You can see a live demo @ https://muc.anirbanmu.com/?queries[]=spotify:track:2HYr8LZRlJKEfMbIgT0365
- array type query param (can have multiple) that can be passed as the initial queries to the app.
It currently supports Spotify, YouTube, iTunes/Apple Music & Deezer.
The front end must be built & ready to go before the backend can successfully serve the app.
For development (will build, watch for changes & rebuild Vue.js frontend):
npm run build-watch
For production (will build only):
npm run build
Built files are placed in the ./dist
The backend requires API keys to be set so that the respective APIs can be used.
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<spotify client secret> [REQUIRED]
GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION_CODE=<google site verification code via meta tag> [OPTIONAL]
After having set the environment variables, you can start the backend server locally with:
npm run express
You should now be able to access the application locally @ http://localhost:8081
The application is ready to be deployed on fly.io. Just create an app with flyctl and replace the <APP-NAME>
in fly.toml. After you've created the app & replaced the name in fly.toml:
flyctl secrets set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<spotify client ID> [REQUIRED]
flyctl secrets set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<spotify client secret> [REQUIRED]
flyctl secrets set YOUTUBE_API_KEY=<youtube API key> [REQUIRED]
flyctl deploy --build-secret GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION_CODE=<google site verification code via meta tag>
if you want the Google Site verification code in the page, else justflyctl deploy
Most of the application code is client side which is a Vue.js app. This handles all rendering, parsing of URLs, & converting them to other services.
The backend consists of a very trivial express server thats sole purpose is to get some initial server side data (API tokens) & template the single page Vue.js app so it can then run independently from the backend. It also serves an API to get the API tokens by themselves without so that the frontend can refresh it's tokens periodically.