Dropping down to for loops with objects is a pain / leads to loud exclamations of FO. A minimal chainable no nonsense functional toolbelt for objects, giving you access final object mid 'loop'.
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
Install locally
npm install funobjects
Lets import
var fo = require('fobject')
Then start using
var obj = {a:1, b:2}
var fobj = fo(obj)
result = fobj.map(function(a, b){return a+b})
//output:{a:'1a', b:'2b'}
Then start using with a deadline and after a few cups of coffee
var obj = {a:1, b:2}
var fobj = fo(obj)
result = fobj.map(function(a, b, output){
output[b] = 'hello!'
return a+b
//output:{a:'1a', b:'2b', '1b': 'hello!', '2b': 'hello!'}
Annoying if you want an array as output? No problem
var obj = {a:1, b:2}
var fobj = fo(obj)
result = fobj.map(function(a, b, output){
return a+b
//output:['1a', '2b', 'hello!', 'hello!']
Let's start chaining
obj = fo({a:1, b:2, c: 3})
var computed = obj.filter(function(val, key, final_obj){return val>1}).map(function(val, key, final_obj){
final_obj[key+'_squared_key'] = String(val * val)+key
return val*val
//output: { b_squared_key: '4b', b: 4, c_squared_key: '9c', c: 9 })
Tests done with Tape
npm tests/*.js