Help the processing of 4D-STEM data, specifically automatically clustering similar pixels in SEND pencil beam data
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Intended for processing 4D-STEM datasets using an autoencoder trainer and a DataWrapper for processing the samples. The example notebooks should walkthrough the process of training the encoder and using it to cluster regions with similar diffraction data automatically.
Make a copy of the example-notebooks
Copy the folders stemseg and stemutils (under modules folder) to the notebook's local directory or /home/{YOUR FED ID}/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Boot up a GPU kernel having replaced the container image with: CONTAINER_IMAGE=gcr.io/diamond-pubreg/container-tools/jhub-notebook:cuda10.1
Select the EPSIC3.7 environment to run the example notebooks (if not a default)
First work through TrainModels.ipynb to create a trained VAE for your datasets
Then work through TrainInvestigator.ipynb to use the model to cluster
Andy Bridger - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/andy-bridger/stemsegment