This is a collection of "app katas" to practice deploying complex applications using open-source DevOps tools.
Kata is a Japanese word (型 or 形) meaning "form". It refers to a detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements made to be practised alone. [...] It is practised in Japanese martial arts as a way to memorize and perfect the movements being executed. (Wikipedia - Kata)
The idea of "code katas" comes from Dave Thomas, one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, as a way to bring that element of disciplined practice into software development.
Here we apply the idea of code katas to DevOps practice, by deploying various apps using a common DevOps tech stack. Those are the "app katas" included in the present repo.
The stack is comprised of the following tools:
Installation and configuration of these tools is outside the scope of this document.
Terraform and Ansible must be installed in the operator machine.
Terraform and Ansible credentials must have been configured for the cloud provider of choice.
Create an inventory file from (for example, if using GCP)
and set the GCP project ID.
Set up any needed environment variables for the app containers in
, as in the example whoami/app/.env.example
(TODO: add more instructions)
Individual app modules are instantiated in (for example, GCP)
pushd ./_infra/gcp
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
(Grab the Terraform outputs to configure DNS.)
Add DNS records pointing to the instance IPs output in the previous step.
pushd ./_config
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
./playbooks/docker-app.gcp.yml -i inventory/yourinventory.gcp.yml -e upgrade_system=true -e app=whoami
export HCLOUD_TOKEN="examplehcloudtoken"
pushd ./_infra/hcloud
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
pushd ./_config
./playbooks/k3s.yml --inventory inventory/hcloud.yml
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/k3s.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./k3s/hello-world/
curl "${SERVER_IP}"
pushd ./_infra/hcloud
terraform destroy
export APP_NAME="example"
export X_TAG="vm_tag_${APP_NAME}"
export X_AWS_SSM_BUCKET_NAME="example-bucket"
pushd ./_config
ansible "${X_TAG}" --inventory ./inventory/aws_ec2.yml -m ping \
--extra-vars "ansible_connection=aws_ssm" \
--extra-vars "ansible_aws_ssm_region=${AWS_REGION}" \
--extra-vars "ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=${X_AWS_SSM_BUCKET_NAME}"
pushd ./_config
./playbooks/ --inventory inventory/aws_ec2.yml \
--extra-vars "app=${APP_NAME}" \
--extra-vars "ansible_connection=aws_ssm" \
--extra-vars "ansible_aws_ssm_region=${AWS_REGION}" \
--extra-vars "ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=${X_AWS_SSM_BUCKET_NAME}"
Andre Silva - @andreswebs
This project is licensed under the Unlicense.
Dave Thomas,