Releases: analogdevicesinc/libsmu
Releases · analogdevicesinc/libsmu
libsmu v1.0.4
libsmu v1.0.4
- Fix a deadlock that appeared when ending a session in continuous mode.
- Remove all the Python bindings from the official Windows installer.
- Removed all the pysmu .deb packages for Linux.
- Build wheel packages for all the platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS) for versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9 and Python 3.10. (check the pysmu-manylinux-macosx-wheels archive for Linux and MacOS wheels and the libsmu-win32-win64 archive for Windows wheels)
- Make wheel packages available on ( )
- smu (libsmu cli) is automatically installed in MacOS and Debian packages.
- Dropped support for Python2.
libsmu v1.0.3
libsmu v1.0.3:
- Fix unplug (in multi device session) deadlock bug.
- Fix the scanning process for USB devices, to avoid interfering with the signals.
- Fix firmware flash feature.
- Add new packages to be deployed for releases: .deb files for Python bindings, .pkg and .tar.gz with binaries for MacOS, .deb packages for the libsmu base library.
- Update the documentation and automatically upload it to Github Pages once the commits reach the master branch.
libsmu v1.0.2
libsmu v1.0.2:
- Removed old hotplug mechanism
- Libusb has some bugs for the hotplug mechanism, especially on Windows. We have decided to remove the hotplug from libusb.
- Instead of using libusb’s hotplug, we decided to simulate it, if necessary.
- We have modified the hotplug example (for C++ and Python) in order to show you an easy way to simulate it. Basically we are scanning for devices every couple of seconds and check if any plug or unplug action happened.
- Bug fixing for pysmu
- Attributes were not properly initialized.
- Small changes in the examples.
- Add 3 new acquisition modes, used to control the input only pin in Rev F. (HI_Z_SPLIT, SVMI_SPLIT, SIMV_SPLIT).
- Fixed timing issue when ending a continuous session
Full rework
Set libsmu and pysmu versions to 1.0.0 Signed-off-by: Claudiu Pop <[email protected]>
Added versioning
v0.87 Added version info
Support for new data interleave modes
session: Fix crash on detaching a device in programming mode (Mac OS) While running Pixelpulse2 on Mac OS and a device (ADALM1000) set in programming mode gets detached the application crashes with the following output: Session::detached ser: Interrupt signal (11) received. Call Stack: 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff8f5a7f1a _sigtramp + 26 2 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0 3 pixelpulse2 0x000000010020c611 hotplug_callback_usbthread + 17 4 pixelpulse2 0x000000010021c8be usbi_hotplug_match + 110 5 pixelpulse2 0x000000010021befb handle_events + 549 6 pixelpulse2 0x000000010021baae libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed + 240 7 pixelpulse2 0x000000010021c0a2 libusb_handle_events + 34 8 pixelpulse2 0x000000010020e0dc _ZNSt3__114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJZN7Session16start_usb_threadEvE3$_0EEEEEPvS5_ + 124 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff8f4a605a _pthread_body + 131 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff8f4a5fd7 _pthread_body + 0 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff8f4a33ed thread_start + 13 /Users/analog/Workspace/build-pixelpulse2-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_clang_64bit-Debug/ exited with code 11 This doesn't happend when the application is compiled for debug. Looks like the compiler optimizes the code making the if (dev) to always be evaluated as true. This commit refactors the code in order to avoid the situation described above. Signed-off-by: Dan Nechita <[email protected]>