Gow is a cli tool helps you to manage add and done jobs and todos easier right when you are doing it
Still in development
$ go run main.go --help
$ go test test/gow_test.go
Use works command to get all of your works and todos or add new work or todo.
[add] [string name] Add new work or todo
[check] [string name or id] Mark work as done
[remove] [string name or id] Remove work
[-d] Use this to add description to work or todo [-f] Use this to get just doned works [-r] Use this to get remaining works
This command generate a TODO.md file for your given path if not exists that you can add todos and check them without writing directly in TODO.md file
[add] [int index] Add new todo
[check] [int index] check as done
[remove] [int index] Remove work
[-p] Path of your project root default is .(Means current folder) [-d] For adding description only available in init command
This is temporary readme untill project receive stable releases
Add function to check this todo
Add todo.md content to readme.md
Update README Todo when TODO.md changed
complete works command