971cd03 : change nordVPN popup's text input style slightly. (aminomancer)
7282638 : (CSS) add a new pref to hide mozilla promos/ads. (aminomancer)
68ab202 : update readme, add buttons (aminomancer)
009808e : udpate readme; increase button size (aminomancer)
2a3f7dd : try centering the top nav buttons (aminomancer)
2e80c1f : center whole top row (aminomancer)
fe3f32b : increase button size some more (aminomancer)
13c41de : change tooltip padding size to be more like edge's (aminomancer)
7887a25 : some adjustments to panels. (aminomancer)
079d62d : update readme (aminomancer)
c481dd0 : update readme (aminomancer)
13dad59 : update readme (aminomancer)
67b3e14 : update readme (aminomancer)
683b013 : update readme (aminomancer)
c7131c3 : add styles for XML documents and responses. (aminomancer)
0448438 : change download panel sizes. (aminomancer)
b8c7ee6 : update user.js prefs and urlbarMods.uc.js. prefs: (aminomancer)
a4f2ea0 : update hide tracking protection icon script. (aminomancer)
5378ae1 : urlbar icons: go back to the old hover style, (aminomancer)
47f4b5f : search selection shortcut script update 1.5: (aminomancer)
fffffba : update readme and social preview image (aminomancer)
9aa1d05 : 3.0.5 update. (aminomancer)
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