This repository includes all NFT collections discoverable through the Alchemy API.
To set up this repo on your machine:
- Clone the repo
- Install flow-cli to run Cadence scripts directly
brew install flow-cli
- This repo supports contracts on Flow mainnet only
This script returns all the NFT IDs belonging to a particular account
flow scripts execute getNFTIDs.cdc 0x9eef2e4511390ce4 --network mainnet
Result: {"Gaia": [1117, 2817, 4029, 6649, 7990, 8033, 1114, 1115, 1125, 1136, 1137, 1122, 1124, 1132, 1134, 1145, 1147, 1150, 1121, 1130, 1151, 1119, 1128, 1135, 1113, 1127, 1133, 1116, 1143, 1149, 1126, 1131, 1139, 1142, 1144, 1146, 1112, 1118, 1123, 1129, 1141, 1153, 1120, 1111, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110]}
This script returns the NFT metadata for the given contract and NFT ID. The input is a dictionary of contract names as keys and array of NFT IDs for the value.
flow scripts execute getNFTs.cdc --args-json '[{ "type": "Address", "value": "0x9eef2e4511390ce4" }, { "type": "Dictionary", "value": [{ "key": { "type": "String", "value": "Gaia" }, "value": { "type": "Array", "value": [{ "type": "UInt64", "value": "1129" }] } }] }]' --network mainnet
Result: [s.1a80e96259b9dd336bf3c2527c515f2713e46b64b482de17986fd3c4af90b633.NFTData(contract: s.1a80e96259b9dd336bf3c2527c515f2713e46b64b482de17986fd3c4af90b633.NFTContract(name: "Gaia", address: 0x8b148183c28ff88f, storage_path: "Gaia.CollectionStoragePath", public_path: "Gaia.CollectionPublicPath", public_collection_name: "Gaia.CollectionPublic", external_domain: ""), id: 1129, uuid: 74658161, title: "BALLER #1024", description: "A basketball-inspired generative NFT living on the Flow blockchain", external_domain_view_url: "/collection/ballerz//1024", media: s.1a80e96259b9dd336bf3c2527c515f2713e46b64b482de17986fd3c4af90b633.NFTMedia(uri: "ipfs://QmaUhmEgy5Znagz2ayY2uyn5Xdbsvzm8PkBM1GghtsXihv/1024.png", mimetype: "image"), alternate_media: [], metadata: {"id": "1024", "body": "Human I", "team": "Los Angeles Knives", "accessories": "Pencil", "jersey": "Home", "hair": "Pink Pigtails", "role": "Player", "number": "67", "dunks": "85", "shooting": "85", "playmaking": "82", "defense": "87", "img": "ipfs://QmaUhmEgy5Znagz2ayY2uyn5Xdbsvzm8PkBM1GghtsXihv/1024.png", "title": "BALLER #1024", "description": "A basketball-inspired generative NFT living on the Flow blockchain", "uri": "/collection/ballerz//1024"})]
In order to get a new NFT collection listed in the Alchemy API, you need to submit a pull request to this repository.
The steps below explain how to create a pull request.
Update to return the list of NFT IDs for the new contract
a. Add contract import statement
import Gaia from 0x8b148183c28ff88f
b. Borrow the collection resource which is defined in the NFT by the Collection interface and return all nft ids:
if let col = owner.getCapability(Gaia.CollectionPublicPath) .borrow<&{Gaia.CollectionPublic}>() { ids["Gaia"] = col.getIDs() }
Add a new function in to retrieve NFT metadata given an NFT ID.
a. Add contract import statement
import Gaia from 0x8b148183c28ff88f
b. Add a new function to deserialize NFT metadata into the generic Alchemy metadata schema defined below.
case "Gaia": d = getGaia(owner: owner, id: id)
// pub fun getGaia(owner: PublicAccount, id: UInt64): NFTData? { let contract = NFTContract( name: "Gaia", address: 0x8b148183c28ff88f, storage_path: "Gaia.CollectionPath", public_path: "Gaia.CollectionPublicPath", public_collection_name: "Gaia.CollectionPublic", external_domain: "" ) let col = owner.getCapability(Gaia.CollectionPublicPath) .borrow<&{Gaia.CollectionPublic}>() if col == nil { return nil } let nft = col!.borrowGaiaNFT(id: id) if nft == nil { return nil } let metadata = Gaia.getTemplateMetaData(templateID: nft!.data.templateID) return NFTData( contract: contract, id: nft!.id, uuid: nft!.uuid, title: metadata!["title"], description: metadata!["description"], external_domain_view_url: metadata!["uri"], media: NFTMedia(uri: metadata!["img"], mimetype: "image"), alternate_media: [], metadata: metadata!, ) }
Note: Make sure you follow the NFT metadata structure. If you want support for Blocto, you need to add additional fields.
c. Add a test case for your newly added contract here:
d. Do the same for testnet:
sh Gaia
Submit new pull request. Before you do that, review one of the successfully merged PRs.
Alchemy engineers will review your pull request and either merge it or ask you for more details and/or changes.
Once your pull request was merged, Alchemy will have to update their API in production. The roll-out may take a couple of days.
Use the Alchemy APIs below to ensure your NFT collection is included in the responses.
The getNFTMetadata
endpoint returns metadata associated with a specific NFT.
Note: Make sure you replace all four variables before making your API call:
The getNFTs
endpoint returns a list of NFTs owned by a specific address.
Note: Make sure you replace
with the account address.
Once your NFT collection is supported in the Alchemy API, you may request an NFT listing on Blocto:
Fill out this form to request a Blocto NFT listing.
Note: Ensure that you included the Blocto-specific metadata fields
Below are the available Alchemy schema definitions.
pub struct Collection {
pub let owner: Address // address of the owner of NFT
pub let nfts: [NFT] // collection of NFT data
pub struct NFT {
pub let contract: Contract // contract defined bellow
pub let id: UInt64 // id of the nft usually just
pub let uuid: UInt64? // uuid of the nft usually just nft.uuid
pub let title: String? // title of the nft
pub let description: String? // description of the nft
pub let external_domain_view_url: String? // api for nft view resource
pub let media: Media? // media defined bellow used as avatar of nft
pub let alternate_media: [Media?] // alternative media to the primary media above
pub let metadata: {String: String?} // all the metadata in raw
Blocto leverages the Alchemy API to discover and display NFT collections in their wallet. They require 4 specific properties to exist in the metadata object: editionNumber
, editionCount
, royaltyAddress
, and royaltyPercentage
Here is an example:
return NFTData(
contract: contract,
uuid: nft.uuid,
title: editionMetadata.getMetadata()["title"] ?? setMetadata.getMetadata()["title"] ?? "",
description: editionMetadata.getMetadata()["description"] ?? setMetadata.getMetadata()["description"] ?? "", external_domain_view_url: "",
token_uri: nil,
media: [
NFTMedia(uri: editionMetadata.getMetadata()["mediaURL"] ?? setMetadata.getMetadata()["mediaURL"] ?? "", mimet ],
metadata: {
"editionNumber": nft.editionNumber, //THIS CAN BE AN INTEGER OR A STRING
"editionCount": setMetadata.getMaxNumberOfEditions(),//THIS CAN BE AN INTEGER OR A STRING
"royaltyAddress": "0x8e2e0ebf3c03aa88",//THIS CAN BE AN INTEGER OR A STRING
"royaltyPercentage": "10.0"//THIS CAN BE AN INTEGER OR A STRING
pub struct Contract {
pub let name: String // name of the contract
pub let address: Address // address of the contract
pub let external_domain: String // domain of the project
pub struct Media {
pub let uri: String? // uri location of the media resource
pub let mimetype: String? // mime type of the nft