BleeduPilot is a port of Ardupilot 3.1.5 to MultiWii flight controllers using the MPNG HAL code. Information about both projects is available on their respective pages - and
NOTE - This is a complete re-merge of the MPNG HAL code with ArduCopter 3.1.5. (i.e. I forked Arducopter 3.1.5 and reintegrated it with the HAL_MPNG of Megapriate... All features of ArduCopter 3.1.5 are available and the code plays nicely with the latest versions of Mission Planner. However, the AtMega 2560 processor is being pushed to it's limits. You can easily push it beyond by enabling too much in APMConfig.h. Be Careful!!! This is especially true on the Crius All-in-One v 2.0 which has dataflash logging (CPU hungry) and power issues. This is an experiment to see how far an 8-bit flight controller can be pushed without breaking. If that sounds like fun you are in the right place. If it sounds scary, you are not. I am willing to sacrifice my flying ROBOTs to find a better algorithm.
Not everyone is.
###This software is NOT supported. You Have Been Warned.
This software works. But it is NOT supported.
(Note - The above having been said, I've been flying this firmware for over a year now on Crius All-In-One v2 and MultiWii Pro boards [both Red HK and Witespy v2/3] without any flyaways, reboots, controller hangs or weird behavior. In addition SONAR, Power module, MAV/OSD, GPS, Autotune have ALL been tested and work normally. It has been tested with tricopter, quadcopter and traditional heli configurations (only limited trad heli testing so far). It has NOT been tested with Hex or Octo-copters yet. (CPU load may be an issue here as the board is generating twice as many PWM signals.)
You can either download the source using the "ZIP" button at the top of the github page, or you can make a clone using git:
git clone git://
The Following Instructions apply to building BleeduPilot on Windows using the Arduino IDE. (or also AtmelStudio)
Download the MHV AVR Utils from here and install it to the default location.
Download the hacked Arduino IDE from here - and extract it to wherever you want the program to live.(It includes the modified MPNG jar, the hardware definitions needed for Atmel Studio and GCC 4.7.2)
Open Arduino IDE (arduino.exe) and select File->Preferences. Now change the 'Sketchbook Location' to wherever you cloned/extracted the source code to. Now uncheck 'Check for Updates on Startup'. Now Select Ardupilot->HAL Board and click 'MegaPirateNG'. Now go to Tools->Board and select 'Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK'. Now close and re-open the Arduino IDE.
Now open the ArduCopter sketch in Arduino IDE and navigate to APMConfig.h. Edit the options there to match your hardware. MPNG options are documented on the MegaPirate site, ArduCopter options are documented on the arducopter site.
The end goal of this project is to improve the scheduler code to be able to more efficiently defer non-essential tasks on 8-bit without loop slow-downs. If you have fixes or code to contribute you may contact me at [email protected]