Crypto Vault is a Python library designed to securely encrypt and store secrets on-chain. It provides easy-to-use APIs for off-chain encryption followed by on-chain storage through smart contracts, offering a robust solution for managing sensitive data in blockchain applications.
Crypto Vault Smart Contract on mumbai-polygonscan
- Python 3.9^
- Polygon wallet with enough MATIC to pay gas
- HTTP provider URL (Polygon-mumbai RPC)
pip install crypto-vault
- Initialize Crypto Vault with a private key and HTTP provider.
- Store, retrieve, and update secrets on-chain.
- Encrypt and decrypt data off-chain.
Code Examples
Generate secure encryption key with Encryption
from crypto_vault import Encryption
# Generate encryption key
encryption_key = Encryption.generate_key()
Initialize Crypto Vault:
from crypto_vault.crypto_vault import CryptoVault
crypto_vault = CryptoVault(
Store, retrieve, and update secrets
# Store{"password": "secret", "foo": "bar"})
# Retrieve secrets
secrets = crypto_vault.retrieve()
# Retrieve single secret
password = crypto_vault.retrieve(value_name="password")
# Update single secret
crypto_vault.update(data={"foo": "Hello world!"})
# Update secrets -> To update all secrets use
Encrypt and decrypt data
# Encrypt
encrypted_data = crypto_vault.encrypt(data="secret")
# Decrypt
decrypted_data = crypto_vault.decrypt(data=encrypted_data)
Diagram of the basic workflow: