Note: Here are my solutions that might help other students. I take no responsibility for the completeness of the solutions.
Week | Problem | Points | Solution Description (some are adapted from) | Topic |
intro | Basic data types | 100 | types | |
intro | BFS | 100 | standard BFS | |
intro | Build the sum | 100 | naive | |
intro | DFS | 100 | standard DFS | |
intro | Hello World | 100 | naive | |
intro | Maps | 100 | maps | |
intro | Sets | 100 | sets | |
intro | Sort | 100 | std::sort() | |
intro | Strings | 100 | strings | |
intro | Vectors | 100 | vectors | |
1 | Build the sum | 100 | naive linear | |
1 | Dominoes | 100 | naive linear | |
1 | Even Pairs | 100 | Partial sums, binomial coefficient | |
1 | Even Matrices | 100 | dimension reduction & partial sums | |
PotW 2 | Deck of Cards | 100 | sliding window | |
2 | Beach Bars | 100 | partial sums, sliding window | DP |
2 | Burning Coins | 100 | DP, 2 tables | |
2 | Search Snippets | 100 | ordering words by occurences, sliding window | |
2 | The Great Game | 100 | recursion & memoization, 2 tables | DP |
PotW 3 | From Russia with Love | 100 | recursion & memoization | DP |
3 | Hit | 100 | intersection | CGAL |
3 | First hit | 100 | intersection, shuffle input and clip ray to avoid costly intersections | CGAL |
3 | Hiking Maps | 100 | orientation test & sliding window (similar to search snippets) | CGAL |
3 | Antenna | 100 | Min_circle, with two different kernels | CGAL |
PotW 4 | Defensive Line | 100 | sliding window & DP | DP |
4 | Ant Challenge | 100 | Kruskal per species, then Dijkstra | Boost |
4 | Buddy Selection | 100 | perfect matching | Boost |
4 | First steps with BGL | 100 | Kruskal & Dijkstra | Boost |
4 | Important Bridges BGL | 100 | biconnected components, count edges per component | Boost |
PotW 5 | Motorcycles | 100 | sorting by increasing slope and then linear pass to test for intersections | CTAL |
5 | Boats | 100 | greedy, version of earliest deadline first | Greedy |
5 | Attack of the Clones | 100 | greedy, earliest deadline first in a circle | |
5 | San Francisco | 100 | binary search over recursive function to find smallest k to achieve x points | |
5 | Asterix and the tour of Gaul | 100 | ||
PotW 6 | Tracking | 100 | Shortest Path - make multiple layers to force dijkstra to use a path segment | BGL - Dijkstra |
6 | Shopping Trip | 100 | max flow, adding edges between junctions in both directions, and a weight map for cap to sink | BGL - Maxflow |
6 | Kingdom Defence | 100 | max flow with edge demand (min capacity) | BGL - Maxflow |
6 | Tiles | 100 | max flow matrix with odd even, edges between even and odd neighbors | BGL - Maxflow |
6 | Knights | 100 | Maxflow | BGL - Maxflow |
PotW 7 | Octopussy | 100 | greedy, order by finish time, and use recursive function for childs | Greedy |
7 | What is the Maximum | 100 | linear programming intro, with changing max. function to minimizeing opposite | LP |
7 | Diet | 100 | linear programming | LP |
7 | Radiation | 100 | LP, similar to slides | LP |
7 | Inball | 100 | LP, calculate norm as further point / radius, take the negative as objective -> maximize | LP |
PotW 8 | Surveillance Photographs | 100 | max flow on graph with two layers (photo connect to lower layer) | BGL - Maxflow |
8 | Bistro | 100 | voronoi using Delaunay triangulation | CGAL - Voronoi |
8 | H1N1 | 100 | Delaunay/voronoi duality and precomputing largest escape path | CGAL - Voronoi |
8 | Germs | 100 | Delaunay for nearest neighbour graph | CGAL - Voronoi |
8 | Clues | 100 | computing graph 2-coloring and connected components simultaneously using Delaunay triangulation | CGAL - |
PotW 9 | Legions | 100 | LP, maximize time | LP |
9 | Algocoon | 100 | simpel maxflow, iterate over all possible i, i+1 maxflows, take min | BGL - Maxflow |
9 | Real Estate Market | 100 | max flow (invert cost by maxbid - bid per edge) | BGL - Maxflow |
9 | Placing Knigths | 100 | max matching of non-conflicting -> Invert to max possible - matching conflicting | BGL - Matching |
9 | Casino Royale | 100 | min cost max flow, space-time graph (see Carsharing) | BGL - Maxflow |
PotW 10 | Idefix | 100 | Delaunay and Union Find | CGAL - Voronoi & UF |
10 | World Cup | 100 | Delaunay to find relevant contour lines & LP to maximize profit under constraints | CGAL - Voronoi & LP |
10 | Asterix in switzerland | 100 | MaxFlow - check if max flow = possible flow from source | BGL - Maxflow |
10 | Chariot Race ( | 100 | recursion and memoization, passing information if current node is covered by parent | |
10 | New York | 100 | DFS over all trees, for every node discovered update node m hops above | |
PotW 11 | Fleetrace | 100 | minimum cost bipartite matching | |
11 | Return of the Jedi | 100 | finding 2nd most optimal spanning tree, by manually creating it with uf | |
11 | Lestrase | 100 | Delaunay for nearest vertex, than LP | |
11 | Hand | 100 | Delaunay, Creating MST, Creating Clusters, then binary search | |
11 | Fighting Pits of Meereen | --- | "" | |
PotW 12 | The Iron Islands | 100 | Sliding window | |
12 | India | 100 | min cost max flow, binary search on number of suitcases to find maximum that still respects budget (see Marathon) | |
12 | Hong Kong | 100 | Delaunay/voronoi duality and precomputing max clearance for every triangle (see H1N1) | |
12 | Carsharing | 100 | min cost max flow with a space-time graph and clever edge weights | |
12 | Moving Books | 100 | greedy, in every round everyone picks the heaviest box he can | |
PotW 13 | Testex Lannister | 55 | ||
13 | Revenge of the Sith | 100 | Delaunay and union find to find the largest suitable set of connected planets | CGAL - Delaunay |
13 | Evolution | 100 | binary search on each interval found by DFS | |
13 | Punch | 100 | dynamic programming, 2D table with pairs, | DP |
13 | Marathon | 100 | multiple max flow min cost & binary search to find the optimal flow | |
PotW 14 | On Her Majesty's Secret Service | 100 | minimum bottleneck matching, minimizing longest edge in bipartite graph |