This is the main application example repository for my book "Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers" which available to order at
There is another repository containing examples covering the concepts of the book at
There are two blog posts introducing this book:
Announcing my upcoming book "Learning AngularJS for .NET developers"
Free sample chapter "Testing and Debugging AngularJS Applications" from my recently launched book
You need to use Visual Studio 2013 to load the "src\RentThatBike.sln" file and run the project. The application was built sequentially and has three main sequences: building the client side part with AngularJS, building the web service services part with ServiceStack, and the putting it all together part with AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC and ServiceStack v3.
The example index page for this repository can be found on the wiki.
The application for the first AngularJS section from the chapter2-example13 branch is hosted here:
The application for the master branch is hosted here: At the moment it is not yet on par with the AngularJS application it only has the code covered in the book in the ServiceStack and ASP.NET MVC sections.
You can find a version of the application targeting ServiceStack v4 in the ServiceStackv4 branch. I had to do some minor changes and used this blog post as a starter: