An Hadoop API Inputformat for reading Open Street Map Protobuf Files
This library relies on the Hadoop client library, Google protobufs and the osmpbf library. All dependencies are summarized in the pom.xml
file, so that maven takes care of them for you. Simply type:
mvn package
You should then find all the relevant jars in the build
Simply set the input format in your job configuration:
Then, make sure your mapper class has LongWritable
as its key class and OsmPrimitive
as its value class. For instance, here is the example of a class that divides the map in a grid of 2048x2048 blocks and returns the block number as key with the node count (always 1) as value:
public class UselessExample extends Mapper<LongWritable, OsmPrimitive, LongWritable, LongWritable> {
private static final SIDE_BREAKDOWN = 2048;
public void map(LongWritable key, OsmPrimitive value, Context context) {
long x = (value.lon + 180) * SIDE_BREAKDOWN / 360;
long y = ( + 90) * SIDE_BREAKDOWN / 180;
context.write(new LongWritable(y*SIDE_BREAKDOWN + x), new LongWritable(1));
In the reducer, one can then count the number of nodes per tile.
- This package relies on crosby.binary.file, which isn't yet configured to work as a Maven repository. While the pull request gets written and integrated, a pre-compiled version of the library is kept in this repository.
- In this early version, only dense nodes are supported. Other primitives will be added soon.
Simply fork the repository, create a new branch, work in that branch then send me a pull request.