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RoC - A Romanian C based language


RoC is a C/C++/Java based programming language that has the goal to help out romanians people to:

  • code more efficient, that's due to its romanian translated syntax
  • simplified syntax compared to C/C++, but is following the same concepts

The RoC can be immediately spotted by the file extension <file name>.rc, as a convention the filenames should have to same name as the class within the file e.g. MyClass.rc would contain MyClass within the file. Unlike, Java RoC supports only one line comments represented by a hashtag, and the language name #RoC. In order to run a program in RoC you should have a function main defined in your class.

Keywords dictionary

This table contains all the translations of the keywords used in RoC from Romanian to English.

Romanian English
cat timp while
executa execute
functia function/method
numar number/integer
daca if
altfel daca else
daca nu else if
printeaza print
returneaza return
adevarat true
scurt short
fals false


Operators precedence

  • RoC is following the operator precedence from JAVA.

Expression Grammar

  • As we can see in the picture above the highest priority in expr rule has the expr with parenthesis

  • The multiplicative operations * / % have a higher priority as the additive operations + -

  • The relational operators > < <= >= have a higher priority as equality operators = !=

  • The logical operator AND && has a higher priority compared to logical operator OR ||

  • Also, as we can see the SHORT datatype has a higher priority compared to NUMBER

  • Arithmetic Operators Assume that a is 10 and b is 1

Operator Description Example
- (Subtraction) returns the difference of the values a - b is 9
* (Multiplication) returns the product of the values a * b is 10
/ (Division) performs division operation and returns the quotient a / b is 10
% (Modulus) performs division operation and returns the remainder a % b is 0
  • Relational Operators Define the kind of relationship between two entities and returns a bool value in case of RoC In this example let's assume that a is 12 and b is 50.
Operator Description Example
> greater than a > b is false
< less than a < b is true
>= greater than or equal to a >= b is true
<= less than or equal to a <= b is true
= equal to, this operator can be used to compare two strings a = b is false
!= not equal a != b is true

= and !=

  • = and != operators are using the equals method from JAVA when 2 strings are compared to each other.

  • Logical operators

Operator Description Example
` `
&& Logical AND operator a < b && a > 6


The scope in RoC is described by the curly brackets { }.

  • { represents the start of a new scope
  • } represents the end of a scope -The block rule from the grammar is going to open a new scope everytime it enters the method within the
  • At this moment all the functions in RoC are static therefore when we create a new function the index starts from 0. Also, the argument list of a function/method has the same scope with the method body/block, and it doesn't support variable hiding.

1. Variables:

Types Value Description
numar 10, $1, 2000 This type can be an integer if we compare RoC to other C based languages
sdc "string" Contains only strings
scurt 0, 3, 8 Contains only numbers from 0 to 9
automat "string", 1, $12, 152, FALS/ADEVARAT This type can decide what is the best type
bool ADEVARAT/FALS ADEVARAT is true and FALS is false but it's translated in Romanian
  • RoC special feature is the type interference with automat, which means that you can store any variable into automat. Also, this "syntactic sugar" is not supported as a function argument.
  • RoC does not support global variables, supports only local variables within a function/method.
  • In RoC the negative numbers are represented with $ so if you want to say -12 you should declare it as $12.
  • scurt is a special data type that holds numbers from 0 to 9. There are a few rules for this data type: a numar can hold a scurt, you can't make calculations such as scurt a <- 2 + 12 because then the scurt would become a numar. Why? Well, in real life, in my case, the only place where I see negative numbers is when I am checking y back account balance, and I thought it would be nice to represent them in my own programming language with $(I would change it when all the keyboards would have the EUR sign on them :D). In the we handle this just by replacing the $ with the -. When assigning a value in RoC we do numar b <- 10;, to break down numar keyword represents the variable type, b is the identifier of the variable and <- is the operator which says to assign value 10 to b. Therefore, the mold for this would look like this <variable type> <identifier> <- <value to assign>.
  • Note*: When declaring a new variable you have to assign a new value to it! You can't do numar a for declaration.

2 Loops

RoC supports two kind of iteration methods which are: while and do while. Iteration statement from Grammar

  • While loop:
cat timp <condition> executa { 

    <do stuff>

  • Do while loop:
executa { 

    <do stuff>

} cat timp <condition>  

3 Conditional statements

Conditional statements

  • If else statements:
daca (<condition>) { 

  I <- I<-I+1

} altfel daca { 

I <- 3


4 Methods

Conditional statements

The methods are following the C-like languages concepts. In RoC will be declared using the functia keyword followed by an identifier of the method optional will have parameters and the return type of the method. In RoC you are not allowed to return multiple times you can return only at the end of the method as you should in every programming language (in my opinion), this means that you're not allowed to use the return in the middle of the method. The scope of the method is provided by the curly brackets.

  • Note*: to return void you don't have to specify something simply omit this returneaza <type> and also if you want to return something you have to declare a variable and then return the identifier. You are able to return statements like this returneaza ADEVARAT, returneaza 23+2, returneaza "string" or expressions in general.
functia foo(<params>) returneaza <type> { 

 <do stuff>

returneaza <return variable>

  • Example:
functia f(numar number) returneaza numar { 

numar a<-number + 2 * 4;
returneaza a 


5 Print statement

  • RoC has a special method that can be called to print statements in the console.
  • Within the print statement we have decided to not accept expressions, therefore you will be able to print variables and types.
printeaza(<stuff to print>)

6 Scanner

  • RoC has a special method of taking values as input.
  • You can take as input numar and sdc data types (Strings and integers).
  • Why not scurt is not support for scanner? Well, because we won't be able to check if the user have entered a number from 0 to 9. Therefore, we decided to not allow this although there is a possibility for this, assigning the value to a numar data type and assign the value from the user to a scurt data type.
  • Based on the datatype that is declared(numar/sdc) the CodeGenerator will pick the appropriate method from Scanner class.
  • How does numar a<- urmatorul work? The end result would look like this in JAVA int b = (new Scanner( or String b = (new Scanner( everytime urmatorul keyword is called we will create a new Scanner object but is not stored on the stack.


numar a<- urmatorul

sdc b<- urmatorul

7 Optimizer

  • Even though, RoC has already a "special" feature we have decided to implement some optimizers as we thought that it's something nice.
  • The optimizer is added for all additive operations and comparisons, which includes logical || and logical && Optimizer implementation

Program examples


Program prints the multiplied number 12 on a constant loop

functia getNumber() returneaza numar
  numar a <-a*2
  returneaza a 

#RoC This is a random comment
#RoC I think it's cool 

functia getNumberMultiplied(numar mult) returneaza numar
  numar mult<-mult*2
  returneaza mult 

functia main()
  numar a<-12
  cat timp(ADEVARAT) executa


Example loop program

functia main()
   numar a<-2*3
   cat timp(a < 10) executa


Program to check if a number is even or odd

functia main(){

printeaza("Enter a number : ")

numar num <- urmatorul

daca(num % 2 = 0){
printeaza("Your number is even")
} altfel daca{
printeaza("Your number is odd")


Program returns the factorial number of a given number

functia factorial(numar num) returneaza numar{
numar factorial <- 1;
numar i <- 1
cat timp(i <= num) executa
 factorial <- factorial*i
 i<- 1+i
returneaza factorial

functia main(){
printeaza("Put your number:")
numar num <- urmatorul

numar test<-factorial(num)

printeaza("factorial is : ")


Prints the number 2 at the power of 5

functia main()
 numar num <- 2
 numar power <- 5

 numar result <- 1

 numar index <- power

 cat timp(index != 0) executa{
 result <- num * result
 index <- index -1

Note: There are more than 50 JUnit tests(without including the tests from testFiles that have to be compiled to run) to test the language which can be found in the tests folder.

Bug List

At this moment there is a bug with our special datatype SCURT as if you make a calculation the result might be something bigger than 9 which would be the limit for our datatype. Therefore, if there is something like this scurt a<-5+5 would have to throw an exception.