A library and executable to convert SVG to PNG image using webkit.
swift build -c release
sudo cp -f .build/release/SVGConverter /usr/local/bin/svgConverter
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/svgConverter
From CLI:
svgConverter file.svg output.png 1920 1080
# Or if you have not installed the executable:
# swift swift run SVGConverter file.svg output.png 1920 1080
svgConverter help
USAGE: svg-converter <input-path> <output-path> <width> <height> [--no-svg-fix] [--quiet]
<input-path> Path to the svg file you want to convert
<output-path> Destination path for the created png
<width> Width of the output image
<height> Height of the output image
--no-svg-fix Set this to true if you do not want this tool to automatically add a viewBox attribute if it is possible. Without viewBox the svg cannot be resized, but it can still be converted at its natural size
--quiet Setting this to true prevent any output in standard error output
-h, --help Show help information.
From code:
import SVGConverterCore
func run() async throws {
let svgData = try Data(contentsOf: "file.svg")
let renderer = await SVGRenderer()
let pngData = try await renderer.render(svgData: svgData, size: CGSize(width: 1920, height: 1080))
try pngData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "output.png"))