This repository contains a set of Ansible playbooks that help to set up and manage a Raspberry Pi cluster.
Install Ansible on a control node and define an inventory (/etc/ansible/hosts). For example:
# Raspberry Pi 8-node cluster
rpi[01:08].local ansible_user=pi
rpi01.local ansible_user=pi token=xxxxxxyyyyyyyyyy
rpi02.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi02.local
rpi03.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi03.local
rpi04.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi04.local
rpi05.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi05.local
rpi06.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi06.local
rpi07.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi07.local
rpi08.local ansible_user=pi token=zzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxrpi08.local
Run a playbook as follows:
ansible-playbook some-playbook.yml --ask-pass
Change the target group name (the default is rpies
) in the .yml files before running a playbook if needed.
- ping.yml: Pings all the machines
- new-cluster.yml: Updates the machines and expands their filesystem
- shutdown.yml: Shuts down all the machines
- microk8s-prepare.yml: Prepares for Kubernetes (Microk8s) installation
- microk8s-install.yml: Installs Kubernetes (MicroK8s)
- microk8s-master.yml: Generates join tokens in the master node
- microk8s-workers.yml: Makes workers join the cluster
- temperature.yml: Prints the temperature of each machine