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Crud UI Add-on provides an API to automatically generate CRUD-like UIs with grids and forms for any Java Bean at runtime.
The API is defined through 4 interfaces and their implementations:
: A Vaadin UI component that can be added to anyComponentContainer
. This is the actual CRUD final users will see in the browser. Implementations:GridCrud
: A CRUD UI based on Vaadin's standardGrid
: A CRUD UI based on Vaadin's standardTreeGrid
: Defines CRUD layouts and related behaviors. Implementations:WindowBasedCrudLayout
: Shows forms in pop-up windows.HorizontalSplitCrudLayout
: Grid on the left, form on the right in a split layout.VerticalSplitCrudLayout
: Grid on the top, form on the bottom in a draggable split layout.
: Builds required UI forms for new, update, delete operations. Implementations:DefaultCrudFormFactory
: Java Reflection-based autogenerated UI forms customizable throughFieldProvider
: Connects the CRUD to your backend operations. You must implement this interface or call the equivalent methods defined in theCrud
Let's say, you have the following domain/entity/Java Bean class:
public class User {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Date birthDate;
private String email;
private String password;
... getters & setters ...
You can create a new CRUD component and add it into any Vaadin layout as follows:
GridCrud<User> crud = new GridCrud<>(User.class);
Then use lambda expressions or method references to delegate CRUD operations to your backend implemented for example with JPA/Hibernate, Spring Data, MyBatis, and others:
crud.setFindAllOperation(() -> backend.findAll());
You can enable Java Bean Validation as follows (don't forget to add the corresponding Java Validation API dependency to your project):
As an alternative to method references and lambda expressions, you can implement the CrudListener
interface to connect the CRUD UI to your backend:
crud.setCrudListener(new CrudListener<User>() {
public Collection<User> findAll() {
return backend.findAllUsers();
public User add(User user) {
return backend.add(user);
public User update(User user) {
return backend.update(user);
public void delete(User user) {
To enable lazy loading implement LazyCrudListener
and use the Vaadin's DataProvider
crud.setCrudListener(new LazyCrudListener<>() {
public DataProvider<User, Void> getDataProvider() {
return DataProvider.fromCallbacks(
query -> userService.findAll(query.getPage(), query.getPageSize()).stream(),
query -> (int) userService.countAll()
... other CRUD methods ...
To change the general layout, use an alternative CrudLayout
implementation (defaults to WindowBasedCrudLayout
GridCrud<User> crud = new GridCrud<>(User.class, new HorizontalSplitCrudLayout());
To configure form behavior or override related functionality, define a CrudFormFactory
CustomCrudFormFactory<User> formFactory = new CustomCrudFormFactory<>(User.class);
To configure form fields visibility:
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.READ, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.ADD, "name", "birthDate", "email", "password", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.UPDATE, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.DELETE, "name", "email");
To configure field captions in the same order as you defined the set of visible properties:
formFactory.setFieldCaptions("The name", "The birthdate", "The e-mail");
To add columns as nested properties in the Crud
component of GridCrud
crud.getGrid().addColumn(user -> user.getMainGroup().getName()).setHeader("Main group").setKey("key");
To configure the type of UI component to use for a specific field:
formFactory.setFieldType("password", PasswordField.class);
To further customize fields after their creation:
formFactory.setFieldCreationListener("birthDate", field -> ... your own logic here ...);
To manually create input fields, define a FieldProvider
formFactory.setFieldProvider("groups", user -> {
CheckboxGroup<Group> checkboxes = new CheckboxGroup<>();
return checkboxes;
Or use an included or custom FieldProvider
new CheckBoxGroupProvider<>("Groups", GroupRepository.findAll(), Group::getName));
To set a Converter
formFactory.setConverter("salary", new Converter<String, BigDecimal>() {
public Result<BigDecimal> convertToModel(String value, ValueContext valueContext) {
return Result.ok(new BigDecimal(value)); // error handling omitted
public String convertToPresentation(BigDecimal value, ValueContext valueContext) {
return value.toPlainString();
To customize button captions:
formFactory.setButtonCaption(CrudOperation.ADD, "Add new user");
crud.setRowCountCaption("%d user(s) found");
To customize form titles:
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setCaption(CrudOperation.ADD, "Create new User");
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setCaption(CrudOperation.UPDATE, "Modify User");