-- Application that manages your closet and helps you keep track of your clothes/belongings. It will allow you to remember your sizes, and also the amount that you spent on certain items.
Users can add items in their closet whenever they buy something new, and also delete items when they donate/sell an item, or if they choose to return it.
The main page of the app will contain the list of clothing items, which will let users, besides add and delete items, also update a specific item. This means that in the event of a "wrong size problem", they can update the clothing item's information after they exchange it.
When the application is offline the user can browse through the list of items, but he can't update their information or delete clothes, until the app is back online.
However, if he wants to add a new item to his closet, it is possible, but the new item won't appear in the list until after the application is online.