A CakePHP 3.x Plugin containing several useful tools that can be used in many projects.
This cake3 branch only works for CakePHP3.x - please use the master branch for CakePHP 2.x! It is still dev (no stable release yet), please be careful with using it.
Dev (currently), Alpha, Beta, RC, 1.0 stable (incl. tagged release then).
- Auto-trim on POST (to make - not only notEmpty - validation working properly).
- Disable cache also works for older IE versions.
- With $this->Flash->message() you can have colorful (success, warning, error, ...) flash messages. They also can stack up (multiple messages per type) which the core currently doesn't support.
- Provide enum support as "static enums"
- Default settings for Paginator, ... can be set using Configure.
- Provided a less error-prone inArray() method when using Utility class.
- The Passwordable behavior allows easy to use password functionality for frontend and backend.
- Tree helper for working with (complex) trees and their output.
- Ajax Views for better responses (Ajax also comes with an optional component).
- Slugged and Reset behavior
- The Text, Time, Number libs and helpers etc provide extended functionality if desired.
- AuthUser, Timeline, Typography, etc provide additional helper functionality.
- Email as a wrapper for core's Email adding some more usefulness and making debugging/testing easier.
This plugin for the Cake 3 version also contains some 2.x shims to ease migration of existing applications from 2.x to 3.x:
- find('first') and find('count')
- Model::$validate, Model::$primaryKey, Model::$displayField and Model relations as properties
- Set/Multibyte class, Session component and a cut down version of JsHelper
- Move more 2.x stuff to 3.x