This repository is for anyone to create pull requests during Hacktoberfest 2018, with their name, code samples, etc. Any PRs outside of hacktoberfest will still be considered, but may not count towards your hacktoberfest contributions.
Start adding your names here:
- I am a young developer in India interested in c++,html/css,java(android).
- I'm currently a computer science student!
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- AI Architect by profession
- !Know more at
- I'm a junior year student.
- I am an Android Developer. I also work on other technologies such as web development using Django and Machine Learning.
- I like to listen to music while I code.
- I am a young developer in Sri Lanka
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Nature Photography
- 1st year CS major at Georgia Tech
- MERN full stack, primary interest in backend APIs
- Node.js, Java, Bash, Swift
- I am a young developer in England interested in node.js, python, C, and front-end web development frameworks
- I'm currently a student!
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
Having a social life
- Final Year Computer Engineering student from Concepción, Chile
- Raspberry Pi Enthusiast
- First time participating in Hacktoberfest
- I'm a student and I'm in last year of highschool.
- I'm interested in competitive programming, physics, calculus and tech stuff.
- I also like listening to music and playing games.
- Interested in figuring out how to turn Data into Information, primarily to improve customer experiences on the web.
- Permission Marketing FTW! (Just never at the cost of privacy invasion.)
- I share as I learn at DIY DS and DIY CS on instagram.
- Started from the bottom, now we here:
- I'm a contributor and web developer
- I study Electronics and Communication Engineering
- My hobbies include coding, debating and acting
- AI Architect by profession
- !Know more at
- I am a young developer in India interested in c++,html/css,java(android).
- I'm currently a computer science student!
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- I'm a student and I'm in last year of highschool.
- I'm interested in competitive programming, physics, calculus and tech stuff.
- I also like listening to music and playing games.
- Interested in figuring out how to turn Data into Information, primarily to improve customer experiences on the web.
- Permission Marketing FTW! (Just never at the cost of privacy invasion.)
- I share as I learn at DIY DS and DIY CS on instagram.
- Started from the bottom, now we here:
- I am a young developer in india
- I'm currently a student!
- DevOps Engineer
- Taking part in my first Hacktoberfest
- I am currently a high school student.
- I love robotics, programming, and web-development.
- I also like playing the cello, watching shows on Netflix, and cooking.
- I am a 25-year-old from the United States of America, and I recently moved with my husband to Barcelona, Spain.
- As part of the move I have decided to pursue coding as a new career!
- I am working toward a junior-level position doing front-end work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.
- My other hobbies include reading, rock climbing, and re-watching 30 Rock and The Office 😜
- I work for REA ( and am a junior Ruby developer.
- I am a high school graduate.
- I love AI, programming and web development.
- I love playing and making games.
- I am currently a student in highschool.
- I love physics, technology and IT-related stuff.
- I also like listening to music and watching movies.
- Developper as a hobby since 1996, professionaly since 2005.
- Bass player, I also love reading, photography and beer.
- I am a recent graduate from University and recently started my career as a developer.
- I volunteer with High School students teaching them programming and robotics.
- I will have each of them participate in Hacktoberfest tonight!!
- Software Developer born in Germany raised in the UK. 🇩🇪 🇬🇧
- Hobbies include:
- Coding
- Tinkering
- Photography
- Gastronomy
- Fourth year student in Computer Science.
- you can check my site
- I am a student at IIT Mandi persuin B.Tech. in computer science.
- I like more of competitive programming.
- I am the co-ordinator of programming club, IIT Mandi.
- I am a student at ILovely Professional University persuingmy B.Tech degree in computer science.
- I am very much passionate about programming.
- I am a member of Microsoft Technical Community , LPU
- I am a Spanish CS student and developer.
- I like Java and Python.
- I am looking foward learning Django.
- I'm a Brazilian Electrical Engineer student and Friends lover, by the way, How u doin'? ;)
- My hobbies include:
- Watching spanish TV shows (please watch Gran Hotel);
- Listening to music.
- Full Stack Python develop from Ukraine 🐍
- My website
- Student of Analysis and Development of Systems - Estácio de Sá University - Last Period
- Programmer at Stefanini - Working with Test Autamatization
- Passionate about Technologies - Java, Ruby, C, C ++, C #, Ruby and Python
- Student of Development of multiplatform applications - Last year.
- Working in the Povisa hospital (Programming and systems).
- Lover of programming, drums, cars, ping-pong and anime.
- Software Engineer, Gamer and Machine Learning Enthusiast
- Hobbies:
- Programming
- Gaming
- Netflix
- Works with .NET, .NET Core, Ionic and Angular
- I'm a cat loving underwater gardener
- Currently studying web development at a coding bootcamp
- I love gaming and hope to become a game dev!
- I'm an Electronic Engineer and busy with a Masters degree in Machine Learning
- Currently learning the Rust programming language
- I'm a mathematics student.
- I'm interested in data science.
- My hobbies include gaming and listening to classical music.
- I'm Brian Burress, IT consultant with The Byte Stuff
- Currently learning to program under Adruino IDE as well as design simple circuits
- I'm an Information Technology third year student
- ❤️ for tech and passionate about how it influences our everyday lives
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