Microtool for animating multiple values using requestAnimationFrame. This does not do any parsing or modification of DOM nodes or styles, it simply animates values.
Using npm:
npm install ainojs-animation
In the browser:
- Download a release at https://github.com/aino/ainojs-animation/releases
- Include the compiled file:
<script src="ainojs-animation/dist/ainojs-animation.min.js"></script>
var animation = new Animation({
duration: 2000 // two seconds
var node = document.getElementById('foo')
animation.on('frame', function(e) {
Animation.transform(node, e.values)
node.style.left = e.values.left + 'px'
node.style.top = e.values.top + 'px'
top: 100,
left: 0
top: 200,
left: 400
var animation = new Animation().on('frame', function(e) {
// do something on each fame
}).on('complete', function(e) {
// do something when animation is complete
}).init({ x: 0 }).animateTo({ x: 1 })
Use Animation.simple()
to create a simple animation from one value to another:
Animation.simple(0, 1, {
duration: 300,
frame: function(val) {
console.log(val) //
complete: function() {
var App = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return { left: 0, top: 100 }
componentWillMount: function() {
this.animation = new Animation({
duration: 2000 // two seconds
this.animation.on('frame', this.onFrame)
onFrame: function(e) {
componentDidMount: function() {
top: 200,
left: 400
render: function() {
var style = {
width: 100,
height: 100,
position: 'absolute',
left: this.state.left,
top: this.state.top,
background: '#000'
return (
<div style={style} />
React.renderComponent(App(), document.body)
animation.init(initialValues) // sets initial values
animation.animateTo(values) // starts the animation starting from current values
animation.updateTo(newValues) // updates the destinations while animating (within the same timeline)
animation.moveTo() // move the animation to new values without animation
animation.pause() // pauses the animation
animation.resume() // resumes the animation after pause
animation.end() // stops and force completes the animation
animation.setOptions(options) // set new options at run-time
animation.isAnimating() // returns true/false if the animation is running
animation.destroy() // kill animation and clear memory
animation.getInitialValues() // returns a non-mutated object with the initial values set in the init() method
Animation.cleanUp() // destroys all animations and clears memory
Animation.simple(from, to, options) // creates a simple animation instance
Animation.transform(node, obj) // sets optimized inline styles to DOM nodes. Values: top, left, scale, rotate, opacity
Animation implemenets the ainojs-events interface. Example:
// callback for each frame:
animation.on('frame', function(e) {
console.log(e.values) // animation values
// callback for animation complete:
animation.on('complete', function() {
// animation is complete
The object passed into animation.init()
will be mutated in the animation.
You can use that to retrieve the values in another callback, F.ex:
var obj = { left: 0 }
var animation = new Animation()
animation.init(obj).animateTo({ left:100 })
setTimeout(function() {
- frame - triggers every frame. Event properties: values
- complete - triggers when animation is complete.
- easing (function) - easing function (use ainojs-easing)
- duration (400) - duration in ms
- repeat (false) - repeats the animation in a loop
- yoyo (false) - loops the animation back & forth
- delay (0) - ms of delay before the animation starts. If it is looped, the delay will be applied on each loop.