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Sensor Message Format

mihai-trascau edited this page Feb 28, 2013 · 3 revisions
  'context': 'default', // Name of context - used by Mr. Vladutu for stuff like "standing_down", etc.
  'sensor_type': 'kinect', // Can also be 'kinect_rgb', 'kinect_depth', 'arduino', 'samsung360ptz'
  'player': 'player_1', // Kinect-specific field. Kinect gives players a given ID when tracking them
  'skeleton': { ... } // JSON containing the skeleton coordinates. Kinect-specific field
  'width': 640, // width of image in pixels
  'height': 480, // height of image in pixels
  'image': 'aasdasdasd...', // base64-encoded array of 3 * width * height bytes, in the usual order 
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