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Lets start investing with STONK BOT!

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The fear of losing money is common among first-time and seasoned investors alike. With a stockmarket simulator, this fear can be eliminated as users will be to hone their investing skills without risk. This inspired the creation of Stonk Bot, a fantasy trading platform that can be implemented in Discord.

What it does

Our Discord bot, Stonk Bot has many functions built inside of it, such as:

Buy Shares Run the slash comman '/buy' and proceed with the operation by specifiying the stock/crypto ticker and how many of the share you want to buy.

Sell Shares In case you need to sell your shares, run the slash comman '/sell' and specifiy what to sell and how much you want to sell.

View Stock Information Card Interested in a specific stock/crypto? Easy! Run the slash command '/quote' and enter the symbol of the stock/crypto you are looking for, to get insights on the type of the stock, the asset price, what market is it on and any associated fees to the transaction.

View Personal Portfolio Want to check your current portfolio, such as buying power, current assets and overall net worth? Run the slash command '/profile'.

View The Stonk Leaderboard Last but not least, to track who is leading amoung the other investors, simply run the slash command '/leaderboard' to view all the players in a descending order from the top profitor to the least.

How we built it

Stonk Bot was built collaboratively using VSCode with python as the principal programming language. The code was hosted in GitHub. We split Stonk Bot's functions into its own separate classes and had a main function that would call each function when called by the user. Financial information was obtained using Financial Modeling Prep API.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Stonk Bot is a fully functional fantasy stock market. There were many points throughout the hackathon where we weren't even sure we could get it to work - but we did! What started as an idea blossomed into something incredible and we're very proud of it. Being able to retrieve stock market information in real-time is cool. Being able to retrieve it to instantly update users with a single slash command is even cooler.

What did we learn

Not only did creating this Bot improve our financial knowledge, but it helped us become better programmers. We became comfortable with the Financial Modeling Prep API, discord API, matplotlib, using JSON files, etc. Furthermore, it became clear that if there is a will, there's a way. Whenever we ran into an issue, we were able to collaboratively come up with a solution or redefine the problem until there was a way to resolve it.

Built With

Python, JSON, Matplotlib, Financial Modeling Prep API


Getting Started

To get started Click Me to join the server and go to info to learn how to play!


  • /buy - Buy shares for your portfolio
  • /sell - Sell shares from your portfolio
  • /quote - View a stock information card
  • /profile - View your Stonk portfolio
  • /leaderboard - View the Stonk leaderboard


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Mark - Comp Sci Student @ UoG - Mark
  • Melani - Biomedical Informatics Graduate - Melani
  • Aidan - Mechatronic Systems Engineering Graduate - Aidan
  • Murtadha - Comp Engg Student @ UoG - Murtadha


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