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sfomel committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 288b5ba commit 64c39d4
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Showing 8 changed files with 204 additions and 14 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NEWS.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ To programs:

In the reproducible documents collection:

tccs/micro: Investigating the possibility of locating microseismic
sources using distributed sensor networks (Sun, Zhu, Fomel, and Song)

In documentation:

In APIs:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion book/tccs/micro/SConstruct
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from rsf.tex import *

End(color='ALL',hires='data sov location0-clean location0-noisy location0-hyb stage0-1 stage0-2 stage0-3 stage-1 stage-2 stage-3',use='amsmath,listings')
End(color='ALL',hires='data sov location0-clean location0-noisy location0-hyb stage0-1 stage0-2 stage0-3 stage-1 stage-2 stage-3',use='amsmath,listings,hyperref')
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions book/tccs/micro/cross/.rsfproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
uses=['sfspike', 'sfcat', 'sfsmooth', 'sfput', 'sfadd', 'sfwindow', 'sfgrey', 'sfpsp', 'sfcp', 'sfspray', 'sfscale', 'sfgraph', 'sfdd', 'sfheadercut', 'sfwiggle', 'sfmath', 'sfstack', 'sfswnorm', 'sfricker1', 'sfpspp', 'sftransp', 'sfcausint', 'sfthreshold', 'sfreverse', 'sfnoise']
size= 8005064960
24 changes: 22 additions & 2 deletions book/tccs/micro/cross/SConstruct
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,10 +148,30 @@ Result('location0-clean','location0','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=
Result('datatrace-noisy','datall-noise trace-noise','SideBySideIso')
Result('location0-noisy','location0-noise','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations" color=g'))

Result('datatrace-hyb','../hyb/datall.vpl ../hyb/trace.vpl','SideBySideIso')
Result('location0-hyb','../hyb/location0.rsf','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations" color=g'))

snaps = []
for m in range(nrcv):
mask = 'hmask%d' % m
data = 'hdata' + mask
img = 'himg%d' % m
snap = 'hsnaps%d' % m
snaps += [snap]
Flow(mask,None,'spike n1=140 mag=1 k1=%d l1=%d | sfdd type=int' %(rcvint*m+start,rcvint*m+start+len) )
Flow(data,['data-noise',mask],'headercut mask=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result(data,'wiggle transp=y wanttitle=n')
psp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1500 ps=y snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 mig=y dat=${SOURCES[1]}
Plot(snap,'window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)
Result(img,'grey wanttitle=n')

Flow('ccr0-hyb',snaps,'add mode=m ${SOURCES[1:%d]}'% nrcv)
Plot('ccr0-hyb','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.9 wanttitle=n', view=1)

Flow('location0-hyb','ccr0-hyb',' threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input')

Result('location0-hyb','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations" color=g'))

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions book/tccs/micro/marm/.rsfproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
uses=['sfdd', 'sfscale', 'sfput', 'sfgrey', 'sfwindow', 'sfexpand', 'sfsmooth', 'sfmath', 'sfspike', 'sfadd', 'sfpsp', 'sfnoise', 'sfspray', 'sfgraph', 'sfheadercut', 'sfwiggle', 'sfthreshold', 'sfstack', 'sfswnorm', 'sfpspp', 'sftransp', 'sfcausint']
size= 12121589804
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions book/tccs/micro/marm/SConstruct
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
from rsf.proj import *
from import marmousi

def grey(custom):
return '''
grey labelsz=10 labelfat=2 titlesz=12 titlefat=2 label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m wanttitle=n %s
''' %(custom)

def igrey(custom):
return '''
grey labelsz=10 labelfat=2 titlesz=12 titlefat=2 label1=Time label2=Distance unit1=s unit2=m wanttitle=n %s
''' %(custom)

# prepared the data
Result('marmvel','vel0',grey('scalebar=y color=j allpos=y title="Marmousi Velocity Model" bias=1.5 barreverse=y'))

Flow('vel','vel0','window j1=2 j2=3 f1=50 n1=200 f2=200 n2=200 | expand top=30 bottom=30 left=30 right=30 | smooth rect1=40 rect2=40 repeat=0 | math output=input*1000 | put d1=8 d2=12 o1=0 o2=0 unit1=m unit2=m')
Result('vel','window f1=30 n1=200 f2=30 n2=200 | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('allpos=y bias=1570 scalebar=y barreverse=y minval=1570 maxval=4340 title="Velocity model" barlabel="V" barunit="m/s" color=j'))

spike n1=260 n2=260 d1=0.008 d2=0.012 nsp=18
mag=5000 | smooth rect1=2 rect2=2 repeat=1

Flow('sov','vel src','add mode=a ${SOURCES[1]}')
Result('sov','window f1=30 n1=200 f2=30 n2=200 | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('allpos=y bias=1570 scalebar=y barreverse=y minval=1570 maxval=4340 title="Source location over velocity model" barlabel="V" barunit="m/s" color=j'))


Flow('data0 snaps data_v0','vel',
psp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} dat_v=${TARGETS[2]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1.5 ps=y nt=%d dt=%g snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 src=0 n_srcs=18

Flow('data','data0','noise var=1e-1 type=y seed=12005')
Flow('data_v','data_v0','noise var=1e-1 type=y seed=22015')

Plot('snaps','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)
Flow('snapsm','snaps','window j3=4')
Flow('snapsov','vel snapsm','window f1=30 n1=200 f2=30 n2=200 | put o1=0 o2=0 |spray axis=3 n=876 | add ${SOURCES[1]} scale=1,9')
Plot('snapsov','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a color=g title="Microseismic events" ', view=1)

Result('data','put o2=0 |'+igrey('title="Surface array data"'))
Result('data_v','put o2=0 |'+igrey('title="Downhole array data"'))
Result('data0','put o2=0 |'+igrey('title="Surface array data"'))

Plot('datall','data','put o2=0 |'+igrey('title="Surface array data" screenht=11'))
Plot('trace','data','window n2=1 f2=100 | scale axis=1 | graph transp=y yreverse=y dash=0 plotcol=6 plotfat=3 label1=Time unit1=s label2="Amplitude" unit2= wanttitle=n labelfat=2 labelsz=6 screenwd=3 screenht=11 wherexlabel=top whereylabel=right')
Result('datatrace','datall trace','SideBySideIso')

Flow('imgb snapsb','vel data data_v',
psp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1.5 ps=y snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 mig=y dat=${SOURCES[1]} dat_v=${SOURCES[2]}

Plot('snapsb','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)
Result('imgb','grey wanttitle=n')

nx = 200
tmp = 10
nrcv = tmp
rcvint = nx/nrcv

snaps = []
for m in range(nrcv):
mask = 'mask%d' % m
data = 'data' + mask
img = 'img%d' % m
snap = 'snaps%d' % m
snaps += [snap]
if (1):
nsp = 0
klist = ''
for i in range(len+1):
k1 = 1 + m*rcvint + i*rcvint/(len+1)
klist += '%d,' %k1
nsp += 1
Flow(mask,None,'spike n1=%d mag=1 k1=%s nsp=%d | sfdd type=int' %(nx,klist,nsp) )
Flow(mask,None,'spike n1=%d mag=1 k1=%d l1=%d | sfdd type=int' %(nx,rcvint*m+start,rcvint*m+start+len) )
Flow(data,['data',mask],'headercut mask=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result(data,'wiggle transp=y wanttitle=n')
psp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1.5 ps=y snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 mig=y dat=${SOURCES[1]}
Plot(snap,'window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)
Result(img,'grey wanttitle=n')

Flow('ccr0',snaps,'add mode=m ${SOURCES[1:%d]}'% nrcv)
Plot('ccr0','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.9', view=1)

Flow('location0','ccr0','threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input')
Result('location0','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))

Flow('stack',snaps,'add mode=a ${SOURCES[1:%d]}'%(nrcv))
Flow('autoccr','stack','math output="input*input" | stack axis=3')
Result('autoccr','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('allpos=y scalebar=n wanttitle=n color=I'))
Plot('stack','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)

Flow('wfnew','ccr0 stack','math output="abs(input)" | swnorm size=100 log=n perc=1 | smooth rect1=1 rect2=1 rect3=50 repeat=2| swnorm size=100 log=n perc=1 | math b=${SOURCES[1]} output="input*b" ')
Result('wfnew','stack axis=3 | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations" color=g'))
Flow('data-new snaps-new','vel wfnew',
pspp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} wave=${SOURCES[1]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1500 ps=y nt=%d dt=%g snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 src=0 n_srcs=1 spz=98,105,100,95,90,88 spx=60,70,90,110,130,140 f0=20,20,20,20,20,20 t0=.4,.7,1.0,.3,.9,0.8 A=1,1,1,1,1,1
Result('data-new',igrey('title="Surface array data (predicted)"'))

Result('stage0-1','ccr0','window min3=0.0 max3=0.8 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('clip=7.20642e+06 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))
Result('stage0-2','ccr0','window min3=0.0 max3=1.6 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('clip=7.20642e+06 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))
Result('stage0-3','ccr0','window min3=0.0 max3=3.0 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))

# vertical receiver setup
nrcv = 4
rcvint = nx/nrcv

for m in range(tmp,tmp+nrcv):
mask = 'mask%d' % m
data = 'data' + mask
img = 'img%d' % m
snap = 'snaps%d' % m
snaps += [snap]
Flow(mask,None,'spike n1=%d mag=1 k1=%d l1=%d | sfdd type=int' %(nx,rcvint*(m-tmp)+start,rcvint*(m-tmp)+start+len) )
Flow(data,['data_v',mask],'headercut mask=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result(data,'wiggle transp=y wanttitle=n')
psp snaps=${TARGETS[1]} verb=y cmplx=n vref=1.5 ps=y snap=1 abc=y nbt=30 ct=0.01 mig=y dat_v=${SOURCES[1]}
Plot(snap,'window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a wanttitle=n', view=1)
Result(img,'grey wanttitle=n')

Flow('ccr',snaps,'add mode=m ${SOURCES[1:%d]}'%(tmp+nrcv))
Plot('ccr','window j3=10 | grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.5 allpos=y wanttitle=n', view=1)
Flow('location','ccr','threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input')
Result('location','put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Combined)" color=g'))

Result('stage-1','ccr','window min3=0.0 max3=0.8 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('clip=2.60259e-09 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))
Result('stage-2','ccr','window min3=0.0 max3=1.6 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('clip=2.60259e-09 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))
Result('stage-3','ccr','window min3=0.0 max3=3.0 | threshold pclip=5 | stack axis=3 | math output=input | put o1=0 o2=0 |'+ grey('pclip=99.6 allpos=n scalebar=n title="Imaged source locations (Surface)" color=g'))

Flow('movie','ccr','transp plane=13 memsize=10000 | causint | window j1=40 | transp plane=13 memsize=10000 | put o1=0 o2=0 unit1=m unit2=m lable1=Depth label2=Distance')
Plot('movie','grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.5 color=g title="Imaged microseismic events"', view=1)

#Flow('vels','vel','window f1=30 n1=200 f2=30 n2=200 | spray axis=3 n=351')
#Result('mov','movie vels','add ${SOURCES[1]} scale=0.3,1e-5 | put o1=0 o2=0 | grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.5 allpos=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Fracture Propagation" ')

#Flow('test','ccr stack','math s=${SOURCES[1]} output="input*s"')
#Flow('movie2','test','transp plane=13 memsize=10000 | causint | window j1=10 | transp plane=13 memsize=10000 ')
#Result('movie2','grey gainpanel=a pclip=99.8 allpos=y label1=Depth label2=Distance unit1=m unit2=m title="Fracture Propagation" ')

13 changes: 2 additions & 11 deletions book/tccs/micro/micro.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ @BOOK{gibowicz13
title = {An introduction to mining seismology},
author = {S[] J [] Gibowicz and A[] Kijko},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2013},
volume = {55}
year = {2013}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ @article {atm10

@inproceedings {SLK-SEG2015,
title = {Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging: Overview and Case Study},
title = {Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging: {Overview} and Case Study},
booktitle = {85th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts},
year = {2015},
author = {W[] Song and L[] Shi and G[] Kamath},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,14 +297,6 @@ @ARTICLE{marmousi
pages = {927-936}

@inproceedings {SLK-SEG2015,
title = {Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging: Overview and Case Study},
booktitle = {85th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts},
year = {2015},
author = {Wen-Zhan Song and Lei Shi and Goutham Kamath},
pages = {submitted}

author = {D[] Loewenthal and L[] Lu and R[] Roberson and J[] Sherwood},
title = {The Wave equation applied to Migration},
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions book/tccs/micro/paper.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
\published{SEG Expanded Abstracts, 2485-2490, (2015)}

\title{Investigating the possibility of locating microseismic sources using distributed sensor networks}
\author{Junzhe Sun$^{*1}$, Tieyuan Zhu$^1$, Sergey Fomel$^1$ and Wen-Zhan Song$^{2}$
$^1$The University of Texas at Austin; $^2$Georgia State University}


\lefthead{Sun et al.}
\righthead{Source location imaging}

Distributed sensor networks are designed to provide computation in-situ and in real-time. The conventional time-reversal imaging approach for microseismic event location may not be optimal for such an environment. To address this challenge, we develop a methodology of locating multiple microseismic events with unknown start times based on the cross-correlation imaging condition borrowed from active-source seismic imaging. The imaging principle states that a true microseismic source must correspond to the location where all the backward-propagated events coincide in both space and time. Instead of simply stacking the backward-propagated seismic wavefields, as suggested by time-reversal imaging, we perform multiplication reduction to compute a high-resolution microseismicity map. The map has an extra dimension of time, indicating the start times of different events. Combined with a distributed sensor network, our method is designed for monitoring microseismic activities and mapping fracture development during hydraulic fracturing in-situ and in real-time. We use numerical examples to test the ability of the proposed technique to produce high-resolution images of microseismic locations.
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