Python library to create an iCal feed from an EventBrite account on the fly.
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pip install git+
from eventbrite2ical import eventbrite2ical
You will need to pass authentication credentials through eventbrite2ical just as you do with the eventbrite Python API. Fuller examples are available there. The ID parameter in this instance reflects the ID of the organization to query in EventBrite.
eb_auth_tokens = { 'app_key': 'YOUR_APP_KEY' }
eb_list_args = { 'id': 0, 'event_statuses': 'live,started' }
eb_feed = eventbrite2ical.fetch_eb_organizer_feed( eb_auth_tokens, eb_list_args )
ical = eventbrite2ical.ical_from_eb_feed( eb_feed )
- iCalendar documentation -
- EventBrite Python API source -
- EventBrite API documentation -