The Predix Event Audit Trail Service is an data persistence service that represents user-defined data and states as events stored in a chronological manner. The service provides a simple and scalable way to provide an audit trail for user applications. The Predix Event Audit Trail is available as a service tile in the Predix Cloud and allows users to create, search, update, and delete events through a REST interface.
Please Note - Data at rest is NOT encrypted. Please use discretion when storing sensitive data
To create an instance of the Predix Event Audit Trail Service, please use the Cloud Foundry CLI tool to run the following command:
cf create-service event-audit-trail <plan> <service_instance_name> -c '{“trustedIssuerId”: “<predix uaa instance url>/oauth/token”}'
Once a service instance is created , you will be issued a tenant uuid for the created service instance. You can obtain this tenant uuid by binding an application to the service instance. You can bind an application to the service instance with the following command:
cf bind-service <app_name> <service_instance_name>
The application's VCAP SERVICES will contain the following variables:
"event-audit-trail": [
"credentials": {
"catalog-uri": "<service url>",
"tenant-uuid": "<tenant uuid>",
"version": "1",
"trusted-issuer-ids": "<trusted issuers>",
"zone-oauth-scope": "<tenant uuid>.user"
"label": "event-audit-trail",
"name": "<service_instance_name>",
"plan": "<plan>",
"provider": null,
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"tags": [
You can then use the service APIs with using the <service_url> as the base url.
Note - Please update your Cloud Foundry CLI tool to the lastest version.
Once a tenant uuid has been issued to your instance you will need to add the zone-oath-scope to your UAA instance clients.
To use the event audit trail service with the client credentials flow (the SDK requires this), then you need to add the zone-oath-scope to your client authorities. You can do this using the UAA cli with the following command:
uaac client update <client_name> --authorities "<list_of_authorities><tenant uuid>.user"
Tokens issue by this client will now be authorized to use the event audit trail service instance.
To use the event audit service with a user-authenticated flow (e.g. predix-seed), you will need to add a group with the proper scope using the UAA cli.
uaac client update <client_name> --scope "<list_of_scope><tenant uuid>.user"
uaac group add<tenant uuid>.user
uaac member add<tenant uuid>.user <users...>
Now tokens issued to this user will be authorized to use the event audit trail service instance.
The Event Audit Trail Service has built-in archiving feature. To use this feature, please configure the event limit using the Sets archive configuration api.
Events that are marked for archival will be disabled and moved to a "staging" area. These events will not be fully archived until there are 50 events in the "staging" area. You can retrieve "staged" events using the Get staged events API. Once events have been fully archived they must be retrieved using the Get archive by uuid API.
Archived and staged events will not be returned by the service using the standard get event API. Please note that archived and staged events still count against the total event usage for billing.
GET /tenants/{tenant_uuid}/events?context=&tag=&classification=&start_date=<start_date>&end_date=<end_date>
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant
- filters
- context - events by context
- tag - events by tag
- classification - filters events by classification
- start_date - filters events by start_date in the format: yyyy-M-d h:m:s, inclusive. If a start_date is supplied, an end_date must also be supplied.
- end_date - filters events by end_date in the format: yyyy-M-d h:m:s, exclusive. If a end_date is supplied, an start_date must also be supplied.
- parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test2.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
GET tenant/{tenant_uuid}/events/{uuid}
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant
- uuid - uuid of the event (REQUIRED)
- parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
POST tenants/{tenant_uuid}/events
- Request Body JSON parameters
- tenantUuid - uuid of tenant, this is the primary method of tag events (REQUIRED)
- context - user-defined context (OPTIONAL)
- tag - user-defined tag (OPTIONAL)
- classification - user-defined classification (OPTIONAL)
- timestamp - if no timestamp is given, this will be set to the current time (OPTIONAL)
- data - user-defined JSON data field (OPTIONAL)
- Request Body JSON parameters
Sample Request
"context": "user test",
"tag": "tag1",
"classification": 0,
"data": "{\"name\": \"event1\",\"type\": \"request\",\"params\": \"test\"}"
PUT tenants/{tenant_uuid}/events/{uuid}
- URI path parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant
- uuid - uuid of the event (REQUIRED)
- Request Body JSON parameters - Event details will be over-ridden.
- context - user-defined context (OPTIONAL)
- tenantUuid - uuid of tenant (OPTIONAL)
- tag - user-defined tag (OPTIONAL)
- classification - user-defined classification (OPTIONAL)
- timestamp - if no timestamp is given, this will be set to the current time (OPTIONAL)
- data - user-defined JSON data field (OPTIONAL)
- URI path parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
DELETE tenants/{tenant_uuid}/events/{uuid}
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant
- uuid - uuid of the event (REQUIRED)
- parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
GET tenants/{tenant_uuid}/event-search?query=<search_query>
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant
- filter
- query - search query
- parameters
Search Terms Example
* query=NOT removed - Get all the events audit-trails if event doesn't contains "removed".
* query=added - Get all the events audit-trails if event contains "added".
* query=added OR removed - Get all the events audit-trails if event contains "added" or "removed".
* query=added AND removed - Get all the events audit-trails if event contains "added" and "removed".
- Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
GET tenant/{tenant_uuid}
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - uuid of tenant to retrieve
- parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": {
"id": 1231,
"bindingId": "2d5a2ef5-898f-4f3d-80fd-d9266992f99f",
"uuid": "e314ec8d9-66dc-4782-91d6-634551f492c5",
"timestamp": 1463508805471,
"eventCount": 250,
"trustedIssuers": "\n"
"uuid": "cf6321bc-4be8-48bd-8058-71602fc78f63",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1466015044971
GET archive/tenant/{tenant_uuid}/configuration
- parameters
- tenant_uuid - tenant uuid (primary event grouping)
- parameters
Sample Response Payload
"payload": {
"uuid": "77173278-2ba0-457b-b660-09f9a9c87855",
"tenantUuid": "4b2b0ad4-c54b-4e69-90b1-12d73e36662c",
"maximumNumberOfEvents": 5,
"maximumNumberOfStoredEventsDays": -1,
"stagedEventThreshold": 10
POST archive/tenant/{tenant_uuid}/configuration
- parameters
- Request Body JSON parameters
- maximumNumberOfEvents - Maximum number of events to retain (Default=-1)
- maximumNumberOfStoredEventsDays - Maximum numbers of days of events to retain (Default=-1)
- stagedEventThreshold - Maximum staged events before events are permanently archived (Default=-1)
- Request Body JSON parameters
- parameters
Sample Request
"maximumNumberOfEvents": 100,
"maximumNumberOfStoredEventsDays": 30,
"stagedEventThreshold": 50
GET archive/tenant/{tenant_uuid}/archives
- parameters * tenant_uuid - tenant uuid (primary event grouping)
Sample Response Payload
"payload" : [
"id": 11,
"uuid": "e006f214-88a6-424b-9a7d-f43180aba455",
"tenantUuid": "4b2b0ad4-c54b-4e69-90b1-12d73e36662c",
"fromDate": 1461800406677,
"toDate": 1461865172861,
"size": 20
- PUT archive/tenant/{tenant_uuid}/staged-events
- URI path parameters
- tenant_uuid - tenant uuid (primary event grouping)
- URI path parameters
- Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
- PUT archive/tenant/{tenant_uuid}/archives/{uuid}
- URI path parameters
- tenant_uuid - tenant uuid (primary event grouping)
- uuid - uuid of the archive (REQUIRED)
- URI path parameters
- Sample Response Payload
"payload": [
"id": 12,
"uuid": "0730853b-6a5b-4894-b6da-e7e88833f1e9",
"tenantUuid": null,
"context": "user test",
"tag": "group2",
"classification": 0,
"enabled": true,
"timestamp": 1459378121815,
"lastUpdated": 1459378121815,
"data": "{\"name\": \"test1.csv\"}"
"uuid": "ddc7f50a-6883-45aa-a823-b70e47d2a05c",
"status": 1000,
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": 1459470908881
These are the service-specific responses embedded in service responses
- 1000 - OK
- 1001 - Event does not exist
- 1002 - Event Owner does not exist
- 1003 - Event Tenant does not exist
- 1004 - Event Owner is missing or blank
- 1005 - Encountered exception adding events
- 1006 - Tenant ID mismatch
- 1007 - Tenant is missing or blank
- 1008 - Search query is missing or blank
- 1009 - Invalid search query string
- 1010 - Event payload has exceeded the set limit
- 1101 - The archive does not exist
Event Audit Trail SDK - The accompanying SDK for the event audit-trail.
Event Audit Trail Sample Application - A sample application which utilizes the Event Audit Trail Service