###1. 创建字典
Dictionary dictionary = { "football", "match", "coldplay", "greenday", "java", "python" };
###2. 创建待分类的Document
Document<string> d1("I like football watching football matches every week occasionally playing football game");
Document<string> d2("My favorite band is coldplay and greenday I really like the viva la vida ");
Document<string> d3("i often use java but in fact i dont like java at not i like python because life is short i use python");
Document<string> d4("in my opinion coldplay is more famous than greenday although i also like greenday");
Document<string> d5("what is java i only use python python is easy");
Document<string> d6("which is better java or python");
###3. 定义Training对象,并添加训练数据
Training<string> t(category, dictionary.size());
t.add_document(d1, 0);
t.add_document(d2, 1);
t.add_document(d3, 2);
t.add_document(d4, 1);
t.add_document(d5, 2);
###4. 训练
###5. 朴素贝叶斯分类
auto result = t.bayes(d6);