AdsPush is the server-side push notification library that fully supports APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and VAPID WebPush features and works with the most common platforms. It offers good abstraction, is easy to use, and provides complete support for advanced use cases
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- Abstraction sender works with APNS & FCM
- Full support for all functionality platform specific parameters.
- Support up-to-date recommended APIs.
- Easy to use.
- Advanced configuration options
Install AdsPush by using the following command
dotnet add package AdsPush
from dotnet clior
Install-Package AdsPush
from package console -
Decide using platform (APNS or/and FCM) and get the required configuration files from the portal.
Apply the following instructions to configure and send notifications.
You have two easy options to be able configure AdsPush
- Using Microsoft Dependency Injection (recommended)
- Using default configuration provider (Microsoft Options Pattern)
- Using custom configuration provider.
- Using direct sender instance.
Microsoft Dependency Injection is Microsoft's IOC library coming with .NET Core. AdsPush supports using MDI to be able to manage your push configuration and sending operations.
If you're sing .NET 6 or newer version in Program.cs
using AdsPush.Extensions;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
//Option 1:From configuration
//Option 2:From Action
builder.Services.AddAdsPush(options =>
//Your configurations
//Option 3:From custom provider that is implementation of IAdsPushConfigurationProvider interface.
If you're sing .NET 5 or any .NET Core version in Startup.cs
using AdsPush.Extensions;
public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//your code...
//Option 1:From configuration
//Option 2:From Action
services.AddAdsPush(options =>
//Your configurations
//Option 3:From custom provider that is implementation of IAdsPushConfigurationProvider interface.
And put the following section in your in your appsettings.[ENV].json
"Logging": {
"AdsPush": {
"MyApp": {
"TargetMappings": {
"Ios": "Apns",
"Android": "FirebaseCloudMessaging",
"BrowserAndPwa": "VapidWebPush"
"Apns": {
"P8PrivateKey": "<p8 certificate string without any space and start and end tags>",
"P8PrivateKeyId": "<10 digit p8 certificate id. Usually a part of a downloadable certificate filename>",
"TeamId": "<Apple 10 digit team id shown in Apple Developer Membership Page>",
"AppBundleIdentifier": "<App slug / bundle name>",
"EnvironmentType": "<Apns Env one of Development or Production>"
"FirebaseCloudMessaging": {
"Type":"<type filed in service_account.json>",
"ProjectId":"<project_id filed in service_account.json>",
"PrivateKey": "<private_key filed in service_account.json>",
"PrivateKeyId": "<private_key_id filed in service_account.json>",
"ClientId": "<client_id filed in service_account.json>",
"ClientEmail": "<client_email filed in service_account.json>",
"AuthUri": "<auth_uri filed in service_account.json>",
"AuthProviderX509CertUrl": "<auth_provider_x509_cert_url filed in service_account.json>",
"TokenUri": "<client_x509_cert_url filed in service_account.json>",
"ClientX509CertUrl": "<token_uri filed in service_account.json>"
"Vapid": {
"PublicKey": "<Generated public key as string>",
"PrivateKey": "<Generated private key as string>",
"Subject": "<Subjects that used in VAPID JWT.>"
If you wish to use host/pod environment or any secret provider you can set the following environment variables.
AdsPush__MyApp__Apns__AppBundleIdentifier=<App slug or bundle name>
AdsPush__MyApp__Apns__EnvironmentType=<APNs environment type; either 'Development' or 'Production'>
AdsPush__MyApp__Apns__P8PrivateKey=<p8 certificate string without spaces and start/end tags>
AdsPush__MyApp__Apns__P8PrivateKeyId=<10-digit p8 certificate id; often part of a downloadable certificate filename>
AdsPush__MyApp__Apns__TeamId=<10-digit Apple team id shown on the Apple Developer Membership Page>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__AuthProviderX509CertUrl=<auth_provider_x509_cert_url filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__AuthUri=<auth_uri filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__ClientEmail=<client_email filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__ClientId=<client_id filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__ClientX509CertUrl=<token_uri filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__PrivateKey=<private_key filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__PrivateKeyId=<private_key_id filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__ProjectId=<project_id filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__TokenUri=<client_x509_cert_url filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__FirebaseCloudMessaging__Type=<type filed in service_account.json>
AdsPush__MyApp__Vapid__PrivateKey=<Generated private key as string>
AdsPush__MyApp__Vapid__PublicKey=<Generated public key as string>
AdsPush__MyApp__Vapid__Subject=<Subjects that used in VAPID JWT>
Now, you can easily use wia DI as the. following.
private readonly IAdsPushSender _pushSender;
public MyService(
IAdsPushSenderFactory adsPushSenderFactory)
this._pushSender = adsPushSenderFactory.GetSender("MyApp");
The following lines of codes can be used without any DI configuration.
using AdsPush;
using AdsPush.Abstraction;
using AdsPush.Abstraction.Settings;
var builder = new AdsPushSenderBuilder();
var apnsSettings = new AdsPushAPNSSettings()
//put your configurations hare.
var firebaseSettings = new AdsPushFirebaseSettings()
//put your configurations hare.
var vapidSettings = new AdsPushVapidSettings()
//put your configurations hare.
var sender = builder
.ConfigureApns(apnsSettings, null)
.ConfigureFirebase(firebaseSettings, AdsPushTarget.Android)
.ConfigureVapid(vapidSettings, null)
When you obtain IAdsPushSender
instance by using one the methods shown above, you're ready to send notification. The following sample code can be used trigger a basic notification request.
var basicPayload = new AdsPushBasicSendPayload()
Title = AdsPushText.CreateUsingString("test"),
Detail = AdsPushText.CreateUsingString("detail"),
Badge = 52,
Sound = "default",
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
"pushParam1", "value1"
"pushParam2", "value2"
var apnDeviceToken = "15f6fdd0f34a7e0f46301a817536f0fb1b2ab05b09b3fae02beba2854a1a2a16";
//var apnDeviceTokenVapid = "{"endpoint:"...", "keys": {"auth":"...","p256dh":"..."}}";
await sender.BasicSendAsync(
//For VAPID WebPush with multi parametere
endpoint = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/cIo6QJ4MMtQ:APA91bEGHCpZdHaUS7otb5_xU1zNWe6TAqria9phFm7M_9ZIiEyr0vXj3gRHbeIJMYvp2-SAVbgNrVvl7uBvU_VTLpIA0CLBcmqXuuEktGr0U4LVLvwWBibO68spJk7D-lr8R9zPyAXE",
p256dh = "BIjydse4Rij892SJN10xx1qbxDM6GrYXSfg7TGu90CVM1WmlTYzn_79psRqseyWdER969LGLjZmnXIhHPaKTyGE",
auth = "TkLGLzFeUU3C9SJJN6dLAA";
var subscription = VapidSubscription.FromParameters(endpoint, p256dh, auth);
await sender.BasicSendAsync(
If you wish to access whole supported parameters of the related platform, the following methods can be helpful.
//sample for Apns
var apnsResult = await sender
new APNSRequest()
ApnsPayload = new()
Badge = 52,
Sound = "",
MutableContent = true,
FilterCriteria = "",
ThreadId = "",
TargetContentId = "",
Alert = new APNSAlert()
Title = "",
Body = "",
Subtitle = ""
AdditionalParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"pushParam1", "value1" },
{"pushParam2", "value2"},
{"pushParam3", 52},
//sample for FCM
var firebaseResult = await sender
.SendToSingleAsync(new Message()
Token = "",
Android = new AndroidConfig()
Priority = Priority.High,
Notification = new()
Title = "",
Body = "",
ImageUrl = ""
//Sample for VAPID WebPush
var vapidResult = await sender
new VapidRequest()
Title = "",
Badge = "",
Message = "",
Sound = "",
Icon = "",
Image = "",
Language = "",
Silent = false,
Tag = "",
ClickAction = "",
VibratePattern = "",
Data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"param1", "value1"}