- The level db has a module called level-sublevel, you need to install it before importing it through require method.
- To integrate level-db with Indexed-db use db: require('level-sublevel'), into the area where you have defined sublevel, and level .
- The sublevel is a database within a database.
- use budo to host the server into localhost:9966, which is by default
- change the start script in the package.json to budo server.js
- You had to install budo to use budo.
- You need to install level-js.
- For other dependencies refer the package.json file.
Simple implementation of Level DB. The level db has a module called level-sublevel, you need to install it before importing it through require method. To integrate level-db with Indexed-db use db: require('level-sublevel'), into the area where you have defined sublevel, and level. The sublevel is a database within a database. use budo to host the server into localhost:9966, which is by default. change the start script in the package.json to budo server.js. For dependencies refer the package.json file.