Simple iOS client application for consuming SpaceX API.
To compile and run the project install the following:
- Xcode
- CocoaPods
- YouTubePlayer
Commands that may be useful:
sudo gem install cocoapods
git clone
cd SpaceX/
pod install
iOS client application, consuming API from SpaceX available here. Simple architecture explaining the purpose of the project. Presenting informations about rocket launches.
- use of UIKit components
- URLSession to perform API calls
- Decodable protocol to decode JSON
- XCTest for Unit Testing and UI Testing
- use of DateFormatter to get local time and UTC
- Foundation and Swift 4
List of available launches providing information about
- mission patch
- flight number
- rocket name
- launch date
- launch site
- visual indicator describing launch success
Data presented in UITableView with option of filtering with respect to launch success.
Details view of a launch providing information about
- details of the mission
- UTC launch time
- local launch time
- payloads
- links placed in UIStackView dynamically, allowing user to browse the content
- embedded preview of YouTube video
Web content browsing using SFSafariViewController.
Unit Test for parsing JSON file. UI Test navigating through the appilication.