An hapi.js plugin that limits the number of failed attempts, based on IP and called route, using Redis to store attempts count. Useful for preventing brute force attacks.
npm install --save hapi-attempts-limiter
You need to register the plugin in you hapi server instance, providing some configuration attributes:
- redisClient: an instance of Redis
- namespace: a prefix for the items saved to Redis by the plugin (optional)
- errorMessage: a function that can be used to generate a custom error message (optional). Read the dedicated chapter for details.
- global.limit: the number of maximum failed attempts in the current time window (default: 5)
- global.duration: the length of the time window in seconds (default: 60 seconds)
- global.genericRateLimiter: a flag to transform the plugin in a generic rate limiter (default: false)
- global.trustProxy: a flag to use the latest IP address of x-forwarded-for header (AWS ELB format), if present (default: false)
register: require('hapi-attempts-limiter'),
options: {
namespace: 'FOO',
redisClient: yourRedisInstance
global: {
limit: 5,
duration: 60
Starting from the first failed attempt, the plugin will exposed three headers:
- X-RateLimit-Limit: the number of maximum failed attempts in the current time window
- X-RateLimit-Remaining: the number of remaining failed attempts in the current time window
- X-RateLimit-Reset: the seconds until the expiration of the current time window
If you are working with cross-domain requests using CORS protocol and you want to access X-RateLimit-* headers from your client, you have to expose them by adjusting the route configuration (or the global one):
cors: {
origin: ['*'],
additionalExposedHeaders: ['X-RateLimit-Limit', 'X-RateLimit-Remaining', 'X-RateLimit-Reset']
Additionally, you can define for every route a custom limit and a custom duration. You just need to add some parameters to your route configuration object:
method: 'POST',
path: '/login',
handler: loginUser,
config: {
description: 'User login route',
plugins: {
'hapi-attempts-limiter': {
limit: 3, // a custom limit
duration: 120 // a custom duration, in seconds
method: 'POST',
path: '/heavy',
handler: heavyRouteHandler,
config: {
description: 'Route to be called in moderation',
plugins: {
'hapi-attempts-limiter': {
genericRateLimiter: true
You can specify a custom error message by defining the function errorMessage
in the plugin settings.
register: require('hapi-attempts-limiter'),
options: {
namespace: 'FOO',
redisClient: yourRedisInstance,
errorMessage: function (limit) {
* Limit is an object that contains the following properties:
* limit.remaining: the number of remaining attempts (0, in case of error)
* the number of available attempts
* limit.duration: the length of the time window
* limit.reset: the remaining time to the time window expiration
* You can return a Boom instance, an Error instance or a string that will be converted to a Boom 429 error.
return Boom.tooManyRequests('Rate limit exceeded, retry in ' + limit.reset + ' seconds');
global: {
limit: 5,
duration: 60
Happy coding!