This is a fork of Mandy. Instead of using the Hadoop Streaming API to run the map and reduce jobs, JMandy uses a fork of jruby-on-hadoop ( gem to run them in JRuby. See examples/word_count.rb for a demo of some functionality.
Required gems are all on GemCutter.
Upgrade your rubygem to 1.3.5
sudo gem install jmandy
Run Hadoop cluster on your machines and set HADOOP_HOME env variable.
put files into your hdfs. ex) test/inputs/file1
Now you can run ‘joh’ like below:
$ jmandy-hadoop examples/word_count.rb test/inputs/file1 test/outputs
You can get Hadoop job results in your hdfs test/outputs/part-*
see also examples/word_count.rb
require "rubygems" require "jmandy" JMandy.job "Word Count" do map do |key, value| words = {} value.split(' ').each do |word| word = word.downcase.gsub!(/\W|[0-9]/, '') next if word.size == 0 words[word] ||= 0 words[word] += 1 end words.each {|word, count| emit(word, count) } end reduce(JMandy::Reducers::SumReducer) end
“Andy Kent”, “Paul Ingles”, “Abhinay Mehta”
Mandy is licensed under the MIT Licence, please see LICENCE for further information.