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Security: abh3/xrootd-age


XRootD Security and Vulnerability Disclosure

This page describes the XRootD security policy and vulnerability disclosure information.

Report a Vulnerability

We are extremely grateful for security researchers and users that report vulnerabilities in XRootD. All reports are thoroughly investigated by the XRootD development team.

There are two options to report a security vulnerability in XRootD:

Please include in your report a description of the vulnerability, along with the details expected for regular bug reports, such as the affected XRootD version, relevant configuration directives, sample log files, etc.

When Should I Report a Vulnerability?

  • You think you discovered a potential security vulnerability in XRootD or in one of the projects that XRootD depends on

When Should I NOT Report a Vulnerability?

  • You need help configuring XRootD authentication or security plugins
  • You need help applying security related updates
  • Your issue is not related to security

Security Policy

Security Vulnerability Response

Each report shall be acknowledged and analyzed within 3 working days. This does not mean that a fix will be available within 3 days, but that a confirmation of receipt and an assessment of whether or not XRootD is affected by the vulnerability will be provided within this time frame.

Any vulnerability information shared with the development team stays within the collaboration and will not be disseminated to other projects unless it is necessary to get the issue fixed.

The reporter of a vulnerability will be kept up to date on progress as the security issue moves from triage, to identified fix, to release planning.

Public Disclosure Timing

A public disclosure date is negotiated by the bug submitter and the XRootD development team. We prefer to fully disclose the bug as soon as possible once a mitigation is available. It is reasonable to delay disclosure when the bug or the fix are not yet fully understood, the solution is not well-tested, or for coordination to get the issue fixed. The time frame for disclosure is from immediate (especially if it's already publicly known) to a few weeks. For a vulnerability with a straightforward mitigation, we expect report date to disclosure date to be on the order of 1 week. The XRootD collaboration reserves the right to set a disclosure date based on all the factors as described above.

Security Announcements

Security advisories will be published on the official repository on GitHub, at Announcements related to XRootD security will also be sent to the same recipients used for release announcements, including [email protected]. If you would like to receive security announcements but do not want to subscribe to our users' mailing list, please use the contact page above to ask to be included in the list of recipients for security announcements. Instructions for subscribing to the users' mailing list can also be found on the contact page.

There aren’t any published security advisories