A Leaf fork. Originally a Purpur fork for Zirkon Network.
These instructions will not work without a Java 21 Development Kit (JDK) or another compatible JDK setup correctly.
The commands are for Bash (or Git Bash), but you should only have to remove ./
if you aren't using bash.
Run ./gradlew applyAllPatches
and then ./gradlew createMojmapPaperclipJar
to get a Paperclip jar to use for servers.
This entire process can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour plus depending on the available CPU power, available memory, and the speed of the drive this is on
(the higher the r/w speeds the better; HDDs are not recommended).
After the tasks are completed, the new Paperclip jar can be found in ./build/libs
under the name Zirkonium-paperclip-<mcVersion>-<apiVersion>-reobf.jar