This app is using the OpenWeather API.
SCSS and normalize.css used.
This app is responsive.
To make the app work correctly, you need to get an API key (free) on OpenWeather Website.
Then, look at the root dir of the repo and rename the "app.config__blank.js" to "app.config.js" and add you API key in the file.
Finally, change the APIKEY field with your personnal API key (do not share). You can also put different cities in this file.
git clone
cd vue3-weatherapp
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
- Utiliser Axios pour les requettes fetch
- Limiter davantage la redondance du code
- Une meilleure gestion des erreurs
- Utiliser SASS-Dart pour pouvoir faire des imports (@use au lieu de @import)
- Rework le design/layout de l'app
- Améliorer le responsive design pour telephones/tablettes/ordinateurs
- Ajouter davantage d'animations
- Déployer l'app sur un serveur Vercel